Last time we were talking about the most common Migration strategies for Cloud Providers (Repurchasing, Rehosting, and Relocating), and migration types (Hot, Warm and Cold).
Take a look here:

Today I would like to focus on migration phases, at VMware professional Services we divided it into four:
Planning is the most important phase for any migration, it’s critical before starting your migration. We need to understand the type of workloads that are going to be migrated. Type of application, how these workloads interact with each other.
A proper application discovery and dependencies mapping is a Key. vRealize Network Insight is a great tool for this task, but also understanding applications by having several meetings with applications owners.
I believe this is the most important phase, it’s the foundation.

It’s time to build the new Cloud environment, based on the planning stage. SDDC should be designed, deploy and configure. Also, we need to take care of future decisions and design accordingly.
For example, It’s TANZU part of your roadmap?, are you planning to add K8’s as a service? etc
We already plan the migration and deployed the new Cloud Environment, so It’s time to start. HCX is VMware recommended tool. Ideally, the migration will be performed in waves (not more than 100 workloads each). It’s a good practice to start with the test or non-production VM’s. Test results should be part of this stage as well.

Workloads were already migrated into the new Cloud Environment. As usual, it’s time to start with the daily tasks, such as monitoring, licensing, security, logging, backups, disaster recovery, performance, etc.
VMware vRealize® Suite can help at this stage.
Next time, I will be writing about Migration tools (HCX, vMotion, Advanced Cross vMotion, SRM, Etc)