Hello, and welcome to the 30th Windows Virtual Desktop weekly blog post!!
First we will give you a community stats update:
- Slack channel: 702 members and we´re still growing! You can find us here: https://communityinviter.com/apps/wvdcommunity/join
- Podcast: 1634 downloads
- Twitter Followers: 1321 Followers
- Event page views: Incredible 4257 page views!!
First Dutch Windows Virtual Desktop User Group event
- 1 First Dutch Windows Virtual Desktop User Group event
- 2 Zero to Hero with Windows Virtual Desktop
- 3 Testing CimFS (Composite File System) – Windows Virtual Desktop
- 4 Desktops in the Cloud Episode 5: MSIX App Attach integration in the Azure Portal
- 5 Windows Virtual Desktop with Arm and Azure DevOps
- 6 Nerdio Manager for WVD Community Edition
- 7 Nerio Manager for WVD 2.5.0 released
- 8 MSIX App Attach Packaging Apps for Windows Virtual Desktop WVD, VDI, RDS Step by Step
- 9 Windows Virtual Desktop Image Management Automated – Part 4 – WVD Clean up unused resources
- 10 WVDAdmin updated
- 11 Ask the Experts
- 12 Black Screen fix for sign in
- 13 Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop: A cheat sheet
- 14 FSLogix warning message
- 15 Delete WVD Hostpools via PowerShell
- 16 How to fix the borderless window “problem” in Windows Virtual Desktop
- 17 Managing Windows Virtual Desktop with Microsoft Endpoint Manager
- 18 Make managing Windows Virtual Desktop a breeze with ControlUp
On the 9th of November the first DWVDUG online event will take place. During this event Stefan Dingemanse and Niels Kok will tell you more about the DWVDUG and the latest news around WVD. Then Robin Hobo and Gertjan Jongeneel will present their session about Everything you want to know about Windows Virtual Desktop.

Zero to Hero with Windows Virtual Desktop
Travis Roberts has launched his first Udemy course, Zero to Hero with Windows Virtual Desktop. We want to give a huge thank you for the time and effort that Travis has put into this! The course is currently discounted at £12.99 so is without doubt an absolute bargain! You can get the course here – https://www.udemy.com/course/zero-to-hero-with-windows-virtual-desktop/

Testing CimFS (Composite File System) – Windows Virtual Desktop
In last week’s podcast episode we had Ryan Mangan on telling us all about MSIX and his work around the CimFS File system. If it wet your appetite Ryan has followed up with a blog post if you want to dig deeper. You can read the post here – https://ryanmangansitblog.com/2020/10/16/testing-cimfs-composite-file-system-windows-virtual-desktop/

Desktops in the Cloud Episode 5: MSIX App Attach integration in the Azure Portal
The team over at Desktops in the Cloud have released their new episodes and it’s a great one! They chat with Stefan Georgiev, who is one of the WVD Product Managers who focuses on MSIX. They have a great chat about MSIX and Stefan gives a great demo of the up and coming MSIX App Attach from the portal! A must watch episode.
Windows Virtual Desktop with Arm and Azure DevOps
Stein-Erik Alvestad has written a really detailed step-by-step guide on deploying WVD Desktops with Arm and Azure DevOps. In the guide he shows you how to create the host pool, and add VMs to the host pool, all by using ARM Templates and DevOps pipelines. if you are thinking about using ARM Templates & DevOps (and you should be!), this is a must read.

Nerdio Manager for WVD Community Edition
Nerdio have officially launched their WVD Community edition!! This is a fully featured version of their paid for product but limited to 25 users. Its perfect for us who like kicking the tyres, creating blog posts and new features!! Great job Bas van Kaam and the team over at Nerdio for doing this. You can read the release post here – https://getnerdio.com/academy-enterprise/available-now-nerdio-manager-for-wvd-community-edition/

Nerio Manager for WVD 2.5.0 released
Nerdio have released 2.5.0 of their WVD Management tool. New updates include automated image updates and host-pool re-imaging, Classic to Spring Migration, automatic availability zone deployment and much much more! You can check out the full release notes here – https://nmw.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045731614

MSIX App Attach Packaging Apps for Windows Virtual Desktop WVD, VDI, RDS Step by Step
Cloud Inspired have created a video where they provide a step by step guide to packaging applications into MSIX Format ready for VHD Mounting for App Attach. With the imminent release of App Attach in the Portal I expect it is going to get extremely popular so this is a recommended watch.
Windows Virtual Desktop Image Management Automated – Part 4 – WVD Clean up unused resources
Sander Rozemuller has created Part 4 in his series of posts on managing WVD using PowerShell and automation. In this post he shows you how to delete unused resources. You can read the post here – https://rozemuller.com/windows-virtual-desktop-image-management-automated-part-4-wvd-clean-up-unused-resources/

WVDAdmin updated
Marcel Meurer has updated his great WVDAdmin tool to v1.6.25. In this update he has added the functionality to trigger Windows update on multiple WVD session hosts or the ability to run a custom script, which could be incredibly useful! You can download it from here – https://blog.itprocloud.de/Windows-Virtual-Desktop-Admin/

Ask the Experts
There is a recording of an Ask the Experts in Managing Windows Virtual Desktop. This is a great recordings with lots of awesome info. You can watch it here – https://t.co/FMFLWB8MpK?amp=1

Black Screen fix for sign in
Darryl van der Pejl shared a useful tweet in that as part of KB4580390 there is a fix for WVD for users getting a black screen when they attempt to sign in. So if you are getting this issue then check to see if you have this KB installed, and if not get it installed

Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop: A cheat sheet
Mark Kaelin has published a post on TechRepublic.com in which he explains WVD, why you should use it, benefits etc etc. If you are brand new to WVD its a good introduction. You can read it here – https://www.techrepublic.com/article/microsoft-windows-virtual-desktop-a-cheat-sheet/
FSLogix warning message
Dennis Mohrmann has created a great PowerShell script which shows a warning mesage for the user of the FSLogix profile container or Office container is running out of space. This is incredibly useful and certainly something I will be using! You can check it out on his GitHub site

Delete WVD Hostpools via PowerShell
Niels Kok who seems to be on a roll with his blog posting, has created another great PowerShell script which will delete a WVD Host pool via PowerShell. It’s a bit of a pain doing it manually as there are a few steps to go though, Niels has now scripted this so thank you Niels! You can read his post here – https://www.nielskok.tech/windows-virtual-desktop/wvd-delete-hostpools-powershell/

How to fix the borderless window “problem” in Windows Virtual Desktop
Robin Hobo has shared a solution to the problem that many face around not having a border around applications when they are published. Robin explains what the problem is, the fix and the end result. You can read the post here – https://www.robinhobo.com/how-to-fix-the-borderless-window-problem-in-windows-virtual-desktop/

Managing Windows Virtual Desktop with Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Gerry Hampson has written a blog post on how to use Microsoft Endpoint Manager with WVD Desktops. You can read his post here – https://gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.com/2020/10/managing-windows-virtual-desktops-with.html

Make managing Windows Virtual Desktop a breeze with ControlUp
ControlUp have scheduled a webinar in which they will show you how to automatically deallocate machines and optimize Azure Resource usage and much more. It will be hosted by a superstar team, Trentent Tye, Esther Barthel and Jim Moyle. A MUST see webinar! You can sign up here – https://www.controlup.com/webinars/webinar-make-managing-windows-virtual-desktop-a-breeze-with-controlup/

The post WVD Weekly Blog post 18th October – 25th October 2020 appeared first on WVD Community.