The login screen is more configurable than before. Options were added for automatic login as well as the ability to hide the user list and enter user names manually (this is useful for LDAP users). Panel indicators can be enabled/disabled and now show tooltips. And last but not least, the Slick greeter now supports numlockx.
Although app stores already existed in Android and iOS and similar concepts had been developed in PCBSD at the time, Linux Mint was one of the first distributions to introduce a Software Manager. This manager is still really good but it needed attention. A huge amount of work went into revamping it, making it look modern and polishing it to give a better user experience.
We’re still working on it at the moment but I can already tell you the following:
The user interface looks more modern and its layout is inspired by Gnome Software. Its simpler, more consistent than before and it makes the application look much cleaner.
The software manager no longer uses Webkit. The only toolkit used is GTK and the entire application was ported to GTK3, to bring support for HiDPI.
The software manager launches 3 times faster than before. Browsing categories and apps is almost immediate.
The backend was ported to AptDaemon and the Software Manager now runs in user mode. Consequently you do not need to enter any passwords to browse applications, and if you enter a password to install or remove an app, the authentication is remembered for a little while so you can install or remove other apps without having to enter that password again.
Gao Fengyu (please add official support of the clearlooks theme to Mint 18)
Gary Inzitari
Jeff de Bruin
Jeffrey M Taffuri aka JayBird707
Joe Hodges
Jumble Solver
Kansas Attorneys
Kenneth Brobst
Load Testing
Lucky Patcher Apk Download
Mark Fletcher
Melbourne Cup
Mikael M
Nick Kelly
Nikolaj Petersen
Noor C B
Olaf Baeyens
Onecklace – Personalized Jewelry
Peter E.
Peter K.
Pics n Places Travel Photography
Roland Preisach
Sascha Reinsch
Sebastien Walker
sefcom computers
Silver City Jewelers – Ocala Jewelry
Solo Entertainment e.K.
TAB Horse Racing Results
Tero Pohjasniemi
Unauthed 401
Uptime Pal – Web Site Monitoring
Uwe Klosa
VPN University
Wayne Chapeskie
Web Design Egypt – شركة تصميم مواقع
What Is SEO?
Wichita Web Design
Yang, C.-C.
Donations in June:
A total of $8,477 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 434 donors:
$217 (4th donation), $200, Lee B. aka “FlipSide” $163 (2nd donation), Jack B. $109 (2nd donation), Udo J. $105 (16th donation), Jon Espenschied aka “xeno” $100 (2nd donation), John M. $100, Edward M. $100, Nicholas W. $100, Tan M. $100, Jan-olof S. $100, John F. $100, Tord H. $100, $100, Frank S. $71, kend $60 (4th donation), Thomas E. $54 (7th donation), Claude M. $54 (4th donation), Stefan K. aka “radi1962” $54 (4th donation), Stefan K. $54 (2nd donation), Kai-Uwe S. $54 (2nd donation), Paul S. E. aka “Paul” $54, Hendrik S. $54, Michael L. $54, Galliker S. $54, Michael R. $54, Thomas D. $54, Philippe P. $54, Roland G. $54, Axel E. $50 (19th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak” $50 (5th donation), Hans J. $50 (5th donation), Jackson T. B. $50 (5th donation), Stephen A. $50 (5th donation), Jason H $50 (3rd donation), Thomas T. aka “FullTimer1489” $50 (3rd donation), David P. $50 (3rd donation), John aka “xargs” $50 (2nd donation), John V. $50 (2nd donation), Shermanda E. $50 (2nd donation), Dwight B. $50 (2nd donation), Tony Ricciotti aka “Tony” $50 (2nd donation), Billy Ray Nix Jr. $50 (2nd donation), Bruce M. $50, Cecil B. $50, Julian B. $50, Peter B. $50, John B. $50, eurekatech $50, Gabriel G. $50, Farsheed P. $44 (2nd donation), Tom Van Dyck $43 (5th donation), Tomas S. $43, Peter U. $40, P Reynolds $33 (88th donation), Olli K. $33 (3rd donation), Radomír Č. $33, R. Albert Greig III $33, Luigi Z. $33, VVV $33, Eric P. $33, Manuel López $33, Erkki J. $33, Clifford C. $33, Jacky M. $30 (4th donation), Jeff S. $30 (3rd donation), jowind $30 (2nd donation), Donald H. $30, Chungkuan T. $30, David R. $30, Jamie W. $30, Bart T. $30, Fukai T. $30, Borisov G. aka “method” $28, Martin Sladecek aka “Slaado” $27 (12th donation), Dr. R. M. $27 (2nd donation), Vincent S. $27, Andrea J. $27, Gerhard A. $27, Cees B. $27, Daniel B. $27, Bart V. R. $27, Gunter S. $27, Kenneth A. $27, Rosa A. $25 (71th donation), Ronald W. $25 (27th donation), Curt Vaughan aka “curtvaughan ” $25 (9th donation), Bill S. $25 (8th donation), Mathieu D. $25 (5th donation), Martin Langsholt aka “mlan” $25 (4th donation), John C. $25 (3rd donation), Michael K. S. $25 (3rd donation), Bruce R. $25 (2nd donation), Juan O. $25 (2nd donation), Ian M. $25 (2nd donation), John W. G. $25, Paul S. $25, Diana M. $25, William C. $25, Wayne B. $25, Joeseph B. $25, Carl C. $25, Jonathan B. $25, Jeffry J. P. $25, Lyle D. $25, Einar Ó. $25, Ralph D. $23 (4th donation), William C. aka “N4ES” $22 (9th donation), Ross M aka “ro55mo” $22 (4th donation), Michal W. $22 (3rd donation), Carlos N. $22 (3rd donation), Pete E. $22 (3rd donation), Bernard D. $22 (3rd donation), Christian D. $22 (3rd donation), Frank H. $22 (2nd donation), Erwin v K. aka “Erwin vK” $22, Christer L. $22, Charles L. $22, Owen D. $22, Matthias W. $22, S L. A. $22, Laurent G. $22, Matthew O. $22, Johann K. $22, Christoph B. $22, Svend M. $22, Ulrich M. $22, Andreas H. $22, Stefan O. $22, Fabien aka “fabien85” $22, Sean R. B. $22, Kevin H. $22, Vytautas M. $22, Manolis V. $20 (8th donation), Matej V. $20 (5th donation), Brent S. aka “AFineMan” $20 (4th donation), Lars Händler $20 (3rd donation), D. B. . $20 (3rd donation), Dave V. aka “Dave” $20 (3rd donation), Mike H. aka “sloan” $20 (3rd donation), John W. $20 (2nd donation), Lennart J. $20 (2nd donation), Borisov G. aka “method” $20 (2nd donation), T. P. . $20 (2nd donation), David H. $20 (2nd donation), Gary A. $20 (2nd donation), Ike $20 (2nd donation), Marius G. $20, Larry R. $20, Ernst M. $20, Michael W. $20, Michael A. $20, Scott M. $20, Robert S. $20, Duncan M. $20, Chris P. $20, George T. L. $20, Michael R. $20, Johannes M. $20, Uglyduckling81 $20, Chrissi W. $20, David C. $20, Israel Hanukoglu $20, Roberto O. L. $20, Jeff B. $20, Mike P. $20, João D. P. $20, Scott H. $20, Sergey Starosek aka “star” $20, Christian C. $20, Elvis $20, GH FG $19.99, Aleksandr K. $16 (3rd donation), Jim P $16, Sebastian B. $16, Patrick F. $16, Henrik N. $16, Andrew W. $15, Brodie F. $15, Valeria C. $15, Sylvain L. $15, Radosław S. $15, Vanja V. $15, Jerry K. $15, Charles W. $15, Graham H. $14.84, Yuri H. $13 (14th donation), Anonymous $13 (2nd donation), Linuxgamer $13, Edward A. $12 (75th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca” $12 (21st donation), JobsHiringnearMe $12 (6th donation), Raymond M. (retired) $12 (2nd donation), Stephen R. $11 (5th donation), Jan P. $11 (5th donation), Johann J. $11 (4th donation), Jeffrey R. $11 (4th donation), Elsukov V. $11 (3rd donation), Sebastiano L. $11 (3rd donation), Ian P. $11 (3rd donation), Peter B. $11 (3rd donation), Alexander Lang $11 (3rd donation), André S. $11 (2nd donation), Roger H. $11 (2nd donation), Eberhard R. $11 (2nd donation), Davide A. $11 (2nd donation), Miguel R. $11 (2nd donation), Abdulkadir H. $11 (2nd donation), Chris W. $11, Stefano F. $11, Muradashvili A. $11, Stefan S. $11, Raymond L. $11, Hans H. $11, Harald G. $11, Andreas F. $11, Alin S. $11, J. H. .. V. W. $11, Antti M. $11, Lee S. aka “fleamour” $11, John R. A. $11, Herbert E. $11, Roman N. $11, Carlo S. $11, Andreas M. $11, Rok V. $11, Günter W. $11, Kan C. $11, Joachim E. $11, Brigitte L. aka “tortoischen” $11, Konstantin O. $11, Jose Luis Pascual aka “jlpascualgomez” $11, Wesley C. $11, Johannes W. $11, Uwe J. $11, Joss S. $11, Madarasz E. $11, Eduard D. $11, Adrian K. $11, Nico M. $11, X-CA (Jens Trach) $11, Iwan aka “Hopka” $11, Colin L. $11, Peter J. $10.01, Michael A. $10 (19th donation), Thomas C. $10 (15th donation), Larry J. $10 (14th donation), Julie H. aka “Kjokkenutstyr” $10 (10th donation), Paul O. $10 (10th donation), Frank K. $10 (9th donation), RentalCarsnearMe $10 (6th donation), Peter K. $10 (6th donation), Dinu P. $10 (6th donation), Jannik T. $10 (5th donation), Aliki K. $10 (5th donation), Andreas S. $10 (5th donation), Gary P. $10 (5th donation), John M. $10 (4th donation), Terrance G. $10 (4th donation), Sven A. $10 (4th donation), Rick R. $10 (3rd donation), Ash T. $10 (3rd donation), Jerome A. $10 (2nd donation), Nilson O. $10 (2nd donation), Andrej K. $10 (2nd donation), Ramon S. I. $10 (2nd donation), Philip Stephens aka “Phandrens” $10 (2nd donation), Laurencio G. $10 (2nd donation), K S. $10, Johan H. $10, Vincent L. $10, M. B. $10, Wendy M. $10, Jimmy K. $10, Stephen F. $10, Gary L. $10, Marcelo G. P. $10, Ed L. $10, Bertrum B. $10, Brent H. $10, Avshalom L. $10, T.s.eggleston $10, Maarten E. $10, Gordon M. $10, Goh A. $10, Kenneth W. $10, Sunil K. K. $10, Michael O. $10, Cesar Biondo aka “Biondo” $10, Rafael A. D. S. $10, Pablo B. $10, Peter N. $10, שון מורוז $10, James L. $10, Christian Peyrusse $10, Ricardo F. $10, Abdulkarim Malkadi $10, David C. $10, Luciano Pucciarelli aka “zalza13” $10, Brenton P. $10, Cristobal V. $10, DaveW $10, Ethan H. $10, Jorge Leon $9, Omar Q. $8, Borisov M. $7 (11th donation), CV Smith $7, Julien T. $7, Ashraf H. $5 (14th donation), Eugene T. $5 (14th donation), CB750 $5 (13th donation), Todd A aka “thobin” $5 (7th donation), Jim A. $5 (6th donation), Korneliusz M. aka “audiokor” $5 (6th donation), Bhavinder Jassar $5 (6th donation), David Y. $5 (5th donation), Niko K. $5 (5th donation), Vyacheslav K. aka “veZuk” $5 (5th donation), Dmitry P. $5 (5th donation), Зайцев П. $5 (5th donation), Kouji aka “杉林晃治” $5 (5th donation), Peter H. $5 (3rd donation), Tomasz U. $5 (3rd donation), Marcelo S. $5 (3rd donation), Suleyman K. $5 (3rd donation), NAGY Attila aka “GuBo” $5 (2nd donation), J. S. . $5 (2nd donation), Pierre-marie R. $5 (2nd donation), Alex Luton aka “Starcross” $5, Gerardo H. V. $5, Peng K. $5, Edmilson F. $5, Douglas K. $5, Marcos B. $5, Jeremy D. $5, Vitaliy T. aka “doktor.vit” $5, Andreas S. $5, Fernando A. $5, Jozsef P. $5, Jose Ortiz aka “bandaangosta” $5, Sven J. $5, Markus G. $5, Lars G. $5, Jhon C. $5, Ботнев А. $5, Csaba D. V. $5, Ermanio C. M. Jnr $5, Sam E. $5, Kiryl L. $5, Arvids Dane $5, Albin S. $5, Mark S. $5, Mark D. $5, Michael P. K. $5, Riccardo L. $5, Alexis S. $5, Giacomo P. $5, Leandro F. $5, Lambertus A. V. $5, Alfred E. $5, Mirosław G. $5, Elite Miner $5, Rodrigo T. M. $5, Christophe J. $5, Grégoire A. $5, Douglas C. $5, Renato S. $5, Chen Y. $5, M F. M. $5, Florian L. $4 (5th donation), Alessandro S. $3 (2nd donation), N. V. . $3 (2nd donation), Bongoville $3 (2nd donation), Stefan B. $3, Romulo F. D. Q. $3, Nicholas J. C. $3, 孙 吉. $3, Simon K. $3, Cristiano C. $3, Scott M. $3, Pascal L. $3, Ключников С. $3, A O. $3, aka “Windshield Repair Albuquerque” $3, Nelson E. S. T. $2 (6th donation), Marcin S aka “KotFryc” $2 (4th donation), Maciej G. aka “Jodator” $2 (3rd donation), Klaus Heckenbach $2 (2nd donation), П. Д. . $2 (2nd donation), Илья Кругликов aka “Ilis” $2 (2nd donation), J. G. G. . $2, Mohamamd W. $2, Milos B. aka “bOSKE” $2, Ben M. $2, Janusz W. $2, พิชัย เลิศวชิรกุล $2, Caio L. M. J. $2, Danny O. $2, GotKimZua aka “GotKimZua” $2, Luiz H. R. C. $36.95 from 35 smaller donations
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