Donations & Sponsorships:
Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:
$150 (5th donation), Andreas S.
$138.8, Anton D.
$100 (4th donation), Gregor M.
$100 (2nd donation), Joseph C.
$100, Anant S.
$100, Warren B.
$75, Lynn G.
$69.4 (5th donation), Eric H.
$69.4, Juergen V.
$69.4, Adalberto M.
$69.4, Felix V.
$69.4, Thomas M.
$55.52 (5th donation), Pasi K.
$55 (2nd donation), Herbert L.
$50 (2nd donation), Robert K.
$50 (2nd donation), Joshua B.
$50, David I.
$50, Malcolm P.
$50, Matthew H.
$50, Edward R. aka “Tecknomage“
$50, Douglas B.
$50, Lockert P.
$50, Erwin D.
$50, Tsuguo S.
$50, Stephan H.
$50, Reed W.
$50, Raymond M.
$50, Samson S.
$48 (2nd donation), Thomas S.
$45, Arthur
$41.64 (7th donation), Laurent P.
$41.64, Robert K.
$40.25 (3rd donation), Hartmann M. aka “hkmle”
$40 (3rd donation), Richaed Meade aka “Dick”
$37.02, Matt R. aka “kiswa”
$30 (2nd donation), Jonathan L.
$28 (18th donation), Olli K.
$28, Klemens M.
$28, Richard P.
$28, Tomaso aka “t.munari”
$27.8 (23rd donation), Manuel F.
$27.8, Sjur M.
$27.8, Barry Flanagan
$27.8, Patrice C.
$27.76, Janne S.
$25 (23rd donation), Slavoljub aka “slw”
$25 (3rd donation), Happy Nerds Workshop aka “linuxdevman (aka scotts)”
$25 (2nd donation), James S.
$25, Adam D.
$25, David K.
$25, Marcus K.
$25, Michael M.
$25, Douglas R. aka “darco”
$25, Chris B.
$21.57, Chris GE
$20.82 (2nd donation), Andrea D. N.
$20 (14th donation), Antonio M. aka “Rob Brill’s book-keeper”
$20 (5th donation), Ian M.
$20, Lawrence L.
$20, David R.
$20, J K. R. L.
$20, Robert W.
$20, Petter J.
$20, Kent K.
$20, Mario W.
$20, Jose M.
$20, Holger W.
$20, Ashish K.
$20, CW P.
$16 (8th donation), Robert D B.
$15 (8th donation), Jun Q.
$15 (4th donation), Geoff Perry
$15, Scott M.
$15, Mjn H. aka “Malcolm”
$13.9 (14th donation), Marco R.
$13.9 (3rd donation), Zoe Q.
$13.9 (2nd donation), Jarkko K.
$13.9 (2nd donation), Michel A.
$13.9, Kurt W. aka “Hal”
$13.9, Martin W.
$13.9, Matus Laco
$13.9, José J. A. A.
$13.9, Sampsa P.
$13.9, Stéphane T.
$13.88, Marko S.
$10 (8th donation), Kiril Sotirov
$10 (6th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$10 (5th donation), Craig Stock aka “craig10x”
$10 (4th donation), Coaching intern
$10 (4th donation), Michael C.
$10 (3rd donation), Jake Basile
$10 (3rd donation), Astap A.
$10 (3rd donation), Richard G. aka “Trollboy”
$10 (2nd donation), David Fronczyk aka “azdavef”
$10, Charles K.
$10, Richard S.
$10, Anton K.
$10, Tom R.
$10, Sigbjørn A.
$10, Blake M.
$10, Billy W.
$10, Philip R.
$10, Debasish D.
$10, Hrvoje R.
$10, Peter Meloncelli aka “driekus”
$10, Marcello P.
$7, Benjamin W.
$7, Francesco M.
$7, Mirko Z.
$7, Tobias S.
$7, Ludovic B.
$7, Mirko R.
$7, Julien
$7, Thomas G.
$7, Steffen B.
$6.94, Peter R.
$6 (3rd donation), ohio/michigan mold test kits
$5 (7th donation), Michael K.
$5 (3rd donation), Johnny R. aka “Jraz“
$5 (2nd donation), James H.
$5 (2nd donation), Chris aka “Roezer“
$5, Payam M.
$5, George S.
$5, Miguel A. G. R.
$5, Antonina K. aka “Tonya”
$5, Belmonte B. S.
$5, Erick V.
$5, Sławomir B.
$4.16, David T.
$3.14, Nicholas C.
$3, Maximilian S.
$3, Bruno P.
$3, Ron Panduwana
$3, Eulalio P.
$3, Radegast aka “scame”
$2.77, Ivo G.
$2, Dmitry C. aka “RFDX”
$2, Yan L.
$2, Computer Checks
$2, Omer N.
$1.95, Wilson C.
$1 (2nd donation), Snoring Solutions
$1, Wrishiraj Kaushik aka “Wrix“
$1, Louis S.
$260, AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
$250, R1Soft
$75, John Ritchie aka “Aging Technogeek”
$50, Andreas Landgraf
$26, Windows VPS Hosting
$25, Blayne B.
$20, CEPTOR Datentechnik oHG
$20, David S.
$20, Guillaume V. aka Larlequin
$20, Kristian S.
$20, Roland A.
$20, Scott P.
$15, David L.
$14, Investment Blog
$12, Thomas S.
$12, Tim W.
$11, Promotional Mouse Mats
$10, Advermedia
$10, Andre H.
$10, Angel M. D.
$10, Barry’s Tickets
$10, Dan Jackson
$10, Frank O.
$10, Jeff R.
$10, JimQ
$10, Jonathan K.
$10, Linux411
$10, Mattias S. (DynamicMan)
$10, Mugs Promotional
$10, newW2
$10, Promotional Gifts
$10, Real Estate Centers
$10, Ronald B.
$10, Shaun Hills
$10, Vladimir O. (aka Vlad The Impatient)
$10, Website Auditor
$9, Promotional Items
$8, Attila Vecsei
$8, Printed Clothing
$7, Jesse Burroughs aka “JpBя”
$7, Martin S.
$7, Personalised Clothing
$7, Promotional Mug
$6, Clothing Promotional
$6, deep64blue
$6, Martin Senftleben aka “DrMartinus“
$5, Andreas G.
$5, Anthony Q.
$5, Dimitris Ch.
$5, Don Brubaker
$5, Fandangio
$5, Gregory T.
$5, Jeffrey S.
$5, Jeremy N.
$5, Joe H. aka “JoeFootball”
$5, Kelley J.
$5, Laurent P.
$5, Lee K.
$5, Martin R.
$5, Matthew N.
$5, Matthew Y.
$5, Printed Clothing
$5, Printed Mug
$5, Private Jets Charter
$5, Promotional Gifts
$5, Scott Y.
$5, Sohier C.
$5, Steve Burdine aka “Highfructose327“
$5, Thomas Howson
$5, Thomas Nehrlich
$5, Torstein Sornes aka “todda7”
$5, Turin
$4, Baby shower favors
$4, Chile travel
$3.42, Sylwia Bialczak
$3, CreationsByRichie – Animated Banners & Graphical Designs
$3, Sebastian Posch
$3, Stephen Aghaulor
$2.5, Vince Marsters
$2.1, Product Reviews Community
$2, Caravan Awnings
$2, Douglas T.
$2, Joerg Dreckmann
$2, Manuel V.
$2, SPAC Information and News
$2, Tangled Frog Web Design
$2, VeganQuébec
$1.5, Daniel A.
$1.5, Farbyte
$1.25, Justin Peterson
$1.2, Tax-Rebate
$1, Недвижимость на Кипре
$1, недвижимость в греции
$1, Bilingual jobs
$1, Can Stock Photo Inc.
$1, Cyprus Resale
$1, Cyprus Weather
$1, Ethoseo Internet Marketing – Washington
$1, Foto Search Stock Photography
$1, Frank S.
$1, Greg Flynn
$1, gsWare Italia
$1, Hard Drive Reviews
$1, iPad News
$1, Javier Ruiz
$1, John Michael L.
$1, Kevin H.
$1, Online Pokerraum aka “donegon“
$1, Poker Fieber
$1, Pokerschule
$1, Property In Greece
$1, Rakeback Deals
$1, redfoa
$1, redfoa
$1, Renelou Esperanzate
$1, Seth Forrestier
$1, Zenworks Servizi Web
$0.5, Awesome Link Directory
$0.5, Foobnix – Music Player for Linux, Android, Windows
Money raised in August:
* Donations: $3631.06 (146 donors)
* Sponsors: $1366.03 (126 sponsors)
User Stats:
Repartition of Linux Mint users across releases:
- Linux Mint 11 Katya: 43.29%
- Linux Mint 10 Julia: 25.84%
- Linux Mint 9 Isadora LTS: 15.14%
- LMDE: 4.42%
- Linux Mint 7 Gloria: 4.42%
- Linux Mint 8 Helena: 3.33%
- Linux Mint 4.0 Daryna: 2.33%
- Linux Mint 6 Felicia: 0.74%
- Linux Mint 5 Elyssa LTS: 0.47%
Web Stats:
- Visits: 3,157,017
- Unique views: 3,983,188
- Pageviews: 5,484,934
- Page impressions: 2,896,962
- Search queries: 8,906,192
- Forum users: 54,484
- Forum posts: 447,906
- Distrowatch (popularity ranking): 2185 (2nd)
- Distrowatch (traffic share): 1.4% (2nd) (made irrelevant by Firefox 4′s decision to hard-code user agents and most distributions not setting it up anymore)
- Alexa (website ranking): 12,162nd
- Linux Mint Debian 201108 RC (Gnome and Xfce) was released
- Linux Mint 11 LXDE was released
- mintCast released 4 podcast episodes: #77, #78, #79, and #80
- The LMDE Update Pack 3 is currently being tested and features the new Linux 3.0 kernel. Reports so far are promising and no significant regressions have been observed.
- The stable release of LMDE should come out early this month. The feedback we gathered from the RC was extremely positive and allowed us to fix important bugs and to bring additional improvements. Some of the most notable issues in the RC were related to the installer, its handling of fstab, mounting of partitions and creation of partition tables on empty hard drives, this is all being addressed at the moment. Developers and people interested in the code can follow its development on Github.
- A network of mirrors was started for the Latest Debian Repository. This repository is currently hosted in Denver, USA and mirrored in Romania and Australia.
- R&D started on Gnome 3. Although the new desktop is extremely different than what we’re aiming for, it looks extremely promising from a technical point of view and easy to modify and improve upon. We’re planning to do some R&D on Gnome 2 as well in order to assess the work involved in maintaining it within Linux Mint. Of course, all you probably want to know is whether Mint 12 will come with Gnome 3, Gnome 2 or something else.. and I’m afraid you’ll need to wait a little more before we can tell you for sure. At this stage it might go either way, or it’s possible we might support both versions of Gnome going forward. We’re aware of what the community wants, we’ve got a precise idea of what we want to achieve, and based on the technicalities, and confidence we have in these two technologies, not only now, but for the future, we’ll take our time and make the right decision.
- Many improvements were made to the Community Website. It’s faster than before, it takes less resources on the server, it now shows more statistics and it lets you follow the evolution of tutorials and ideas and see when the team reviews them. There’s a graphical breakdown of tutorials, devices, ideas, according to their format, status, brand and other criterias to give users a better overall idea of what is going on. The most significant changes are not visible though… all forum moderators were also promoted to community moderators and their rights were changed to let them review tutorials, process ideas and rebrand/recategorize hardware devices. As a result, hardware devices will be easier to find, tutorials will be reviewed faster, ideas processed more often and their author will get a better follow-up.
- Proxima Centauri was promoted to Forums and Community Administrator.
- In South Dakota, USA, Aspire High School migrated all their computers to Linux Mint.
- We’re currently in talks with a computer company whose name everybody knows and we’re very excited about a possible partnership with them (and before you ask, no, it is NOT Apple or Microsoft). Talks are ongoing at the moment.
- The Summer months are usually relatively quiet, but August was a surprise for us, with our daily income going up 40%. This income is largely generated by the community, the donations and the traffic (in terms of advertising) it represents. It varies according to the level of support we get from our users, the size of our user base and the health of the advertising markets. Such a result is outstanding and extremely motivating for us, and the fact that it came in August was simply fantastic. I’d like to thank all the people who support us directly (via donations and sponsorships) or indirectly (via search queries, traffic, promotion) and who participate in making Linux Mint as successful as it is today.