Hello, and welcome to the 27th Windows Virtual Desktop weekly blog post!!
First we will give you a community stats update:
- Slack channel: 651 members and we´re still growing! You can find us here: https://communityinviter.com/apps/wvdcommunity/join
- Podcast: 1498 downloads
- Twitter Followers: 1284 Followers
- Event page views: Incredible 4257 page views!!
WVD Meets Community recording
- 1 WVD Meets Community recording
- 2 Sharing everything you want to know about Windows Virtual Desktop notes from the field
- 3 UK WVD User Group October meeting
- 4 German WVD User Group Meeting
- 5 Windows Virtual Desktop – Experiences, Use Cases & What’s new
- 6 Some more fun with using Surface Duo as a WVD client
- 7 Windows Virtual Desktop Videos from Microsoft Ignite 2020
- 8 Nerdio Manager for WVD: Community Edition Launch Event
- 9 Happy 1st Birthday WVD!!
- 10 Enabling Remote Working and the Future of Work with VMware Horizon
- 11 Managing Windows Virtual Desktop with Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Part 1 – Setup Hybrid Azure Domain Join
- 12 Reboot all the VM’s in a Windows Virtual Desktop Host Pool…safely
- 13 How to deliver a GPU powered Azure VM (example for CAD applications) with Windows Virtual Desktop
- 14 Push Azure AD User properties into Azure Monitor Log Analytics to build Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) performance data based on these
- 15 Create WVD image version based on existing config with PowerShell (part 1)
- 16 Static Public Source IP in Azure with Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway
- 17 Changes for Christiaan Brinkhoff
- 18 What’s news updates
- 19 Azure Crazy interview with Neil McLoughlin
- 20 Jen Sheerin interview
- 21 Beemug Presentations
Last week Neil & Stefan presented at the Microsoft Meets Community event which was organised by Christian Brinkhoff. The event was a great success with over 1000 people watching the presentations. If you were not able to make the presentation you can catch it here:
Sharing everything you want to know about Windows Virtual Desktop notes from the field
Robin Hobo and Gertjan Jongeneel also presented at the same event and have also made their presentation available on YouTube. It was also a really great session with lots of useful info. You can watch it here –
UK WVD User Group October meeting
This week we held the UK WVD User Group Meeting. It was a great meetup with around 40 people attending. The star of the show were the guys from AppCure who did an outstanding demo of their product and there was lots of interaction with the presenters and audience. The recording is available here :
German WVD User Group Meeting
The German WVD User Group meeting will be happening on the 14th October. They have a great presenter line up! They have Bas van Kaam discussing Nerdio Manager for WVD, and Thomas Poppelgaard with some WVD Learnings. You can sign up for this great event here – https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/German-Windows-Virtual-Desktop-User-Group-GERWVDUG/events/273383937/

Windows Virtual Desktop – Experiences, Use Cases & What’s new
The guys over at Wortell did a live stream this week also in which they discussed some of the latest WVD news. Freek Berson also shows us the WVD experience on a Surface Duo. You can catch the recording here:
Some more fun with using Surface Duo as a WVD client
Freek Berson has shared a post in which he goes into detail about the use cases of using a Surface Duo as a WVD Client. Freek is known for his GPU testing and he also does with the Surface Duo, by playing Command & Conquer on his duo! If you are thinking about getting a Surface Duo to use as a WVD Client then check it out. You can read it here –https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/some-more-fun-using-surface-duo-wvd-client-freek-berson/
Windows Virtual Desktop Videos from Microsoft Ignite 2020
Stefan Dingemanse has created a page where he lists all the WVD Videos from ignite. This is really handy if you missed the original presentations. You can view them here – https://stefandingemanse.com/2020/09/29/windows-virtual-desktop-videos-from-microsoft-ignite-2020/

Nerdio Manager for WVD: Community Edition Launch Event
Bas van Kaam has released more details about the Nerdio Community Edition. He has announced that they will be hosting a launch event on the 21st October where he will go into it in a bit more detail. If you are interested in the capabilities of Nerdio, this is an event you must attend! You can find more details here – https://getnerdio.com/academy-enterprise/its-almost-here-nerdio-manager-for-wvd-community-edition-launch-event/

Happy 1st Birthday WVD!!
Did you know that this week, WVD had its first birthday!! It’s crazy to think how far its come in just 1 year. It’s very exciting to see where it will be in 1 years time!

Enabling Remote Working and the Future of Work with VMware Horizon
Shikha Mittal from VMware has shared an interview she did with Kam VedBrat around the partnership and value of using Horizon Cloud on Azure with WVD! It’s a really interesting conversation, so if you are a VMware shop and want to use WVD, you can! Check it out here – https://my.vmworld.com/widget/vmware/vmworld2020/catalog/session/1588147523452001QOAl
Managing Windows Virtual Desktop with Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Part 1 – Setup Hybrid Azure Domain Join
Stefan Digemanse is writing a series of blog posts where he will discuss using Endpoint Manager with WVD. He has written the first post in which he configures Hybrid Azure AD Join with a WVD Host. It’s a really great post and we can’t wait for the next in the series! You can read it here – https://stefandingemanse.com/2020/09/30/managing-windows-virtual-desktop-with-microsoft-endpoint-manager-part-1-setup-hybrid-azure-domain-join/

Reboot all the VM’s in a Windows Virtual Desktop Host Pool…safely
Nicholas Rogoff has shared a great script which he wrote which reboots all the VMs in a host pool which don’t have any active users or are reporting a state of “Need Assistance”. If you want to reboot all your host pool VMs without upsetting any users then this is a really great script. You can check it out here – https://blog.nicholasrogoff.com/2020/09/14/reboot-all-the-vms-in-a-windows-virtual-desktop-host-pool-safely/

How to deliver a GPU powered Azure VM (example for CAD applications) with Windows Virtual Desktop
Robin Hobo has written a blog post in which he shows you how to deploy a GPU VM, get the drivers installed and then test it. If you are curious around GPU’s and don’t know where to start then its a great read. You can read it here – https://www.robinhobo.com/how-to-deliver-a-gpu-powered-azure-vm-example-for-cad-applications-with-windows-virtual-desktop/

Push Azure AD User properties into Azure Monitor Log Analytics to build Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) performance data based on these
Marcel Maurer has written a great guide on how to push AD User properties into Azure Monitor Log Analytics. This can be super useful if you want to do reporting on say a Department, or any other attribute you have set for your AD Users. You can read his post here – https://blog.itprocloud.de/Push-Azure-AD-User-data-into-Azure-Monitor-Log-Analytics-to-query-WVD-data/

Create WVD image version based on existing config with PowerShell (part 1)
Sander Rozemuller has written an awesome blog post in which he shows you how to create and connect a new disk to a new Azure VM, based on the existing session host configuration. It’s a really in depth guide so worth 5 minutes of your time! You can read it here – https://rozemuller.com/create-wvd-image-version-based-on-existing-config-with-powershell/

Static Public Source IP in Azure with Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway
One common scenario which I come across in the field is certain websites or applications requiring the source IP to be whitelisting for security or licensing reasons. This can be a problem for WVD as this can be random. Travis Roberts has shared a video where he describes how to deploy a NAT Gateway which solves this problem by providing a static source IP. You can check out the video here
Changes for Christiaan Brinkhoff
Christiaan Brinkhoff has announced that he is changing positions to go and work under Scott Manchester as a Principal Product Manager and Community Lead. I am reporting this as I want to say a HUGE thank you for all Christiaan has done to help with the WVD Community. It would not be what it is today without the help, advice and contributions that you have done. So a HUGE thank you from everybody in the WVD Community!

What’s news updates
Microsoft have updated their What’s New with Windows Virtual Desktop page. You can check out the updates here – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/whats-new

Azure Crazy interview with Neil McLoughlin
AzureCrazy.com have done an interview with our very own Neil McLoughlin. In the interview Neil explains how he got into IT, how he got into WVD, and much more. You can read the interview here – https://azurecrazy.com/neil-mcloughlin-interview/

Jen Sheerin interview
Jen has been a very busy woman this past week!! She was interviewed on the Thrive-IT podcast and talks about her background, WVD and the Woman in Tech Program. You can watch the interview here:
Beemug Presentations
The team over at Beemug have announced that they will be hosting a series of talks around WVD every week for a month during October. They have some awesome speakers lined up so be sure to check it out. You can sign up here – https://www.beemug.be/events.html#

The post WVD Weekly Blog post 27th September – 4th October 2020 appeared first on WVD Community.