Last month I mentioned the amazing amount of support we received from you, the many emails you sent us to tell us you enjoyed our work and how great it felt. We need to move on from this and not feel overly confident over it, but as you may know there is a month between what happens and the moment we can report on the donations we received, and, well… we received many
In fact, we have never received that many donations in the past, or from that many people within the same month. 868 people donated a total of $24,149. This is huge, it’s even bigger than what we see after a release. So before we put this behind us, thank you, many thanks to you all for supporting us. We love what we do, you love what we do, and we love the fact that you love it too. I don’t really know what to say other than thank you.
Wine 4
One of the ongoing issues associated with the new 18.04 package base in Linux Mint 19.x was the fact that Wine was tedious to install and that it didn’t work well out of the box.
We looked into it and identified the following problems:
Both wine-stable and wine-development were obsolete
On a 64-bit machine, installing wine led to an incomplete set of packages, with no support for 32-bit Windows binaries
Windows binaries (.exe, .msi..etc) could only be run from the command line
Regedit, Wine Setup, C: Drive and the various shortcuts usually found in the menu after installing Wine were missing
It turned out the first three issues were specific to the package base and weren’t present upstream in the packages provided by WineHQ.
To tackle these, the stable version of Wine from WineHQ, version 4, was backported into the Linux Mint repositories. On top of addressing these problems, it also introduces support for Vulkan, game controllers and Direct3D 12.
The last issue is unfortunately global and it affects all modern versions of Wine. To address it, a new package called wine-desktop-files was created and added to our repositories.
Last but not least, a new metapackage called wine-installer was created to make the installation of Wine in Linux Mint 19.x easier (there are unfortunately name conflicts between Ubuntu and WineHQ which led to WineHQ conflicting with the “wine” meta name).
The release notes were updated to document how to install Wine 4 and how to upgrade to it if you’re already running version 3.
Community Website
The community website was given a fresh new look.
You can visit it at
The Community Website
If you visited it in the past, press Ctrl+Shift+R in your browser to force a refresh of your local cache.
The new design is based on Bootstrap. Pages are responsive and should adapt more easily to lower resolution screens and mobile devices.
Under the hood, the site is easier to maintain thanks to a bigger separation between content and presentation.
Optimizations, the deletion of 63,000 empty (i.e. with no associated content, votes or comments) inactive (with no login in 2019) accounts and the removal of costly unnecessary features (friends, user scores..) also significantly boosted performance.
Going forward, the hardware database will need to be cleaned up and we’ll need to automate the addition of flatpaks into the Software section, as new applications land in Flathub. The Linux Mint logo used in the website isn’t final. As you may know, we’re currently working on redesigning the main website and looking at our distribution logo, so this might change in the near future.
We hope you’ll enjoy the new look of the community site. If you spot issues, let us know.
The next version of Xed, the default text editor, will support toggling comments and comment blocks.
This is a feature better known by developers. You select a few lines, you press “Ctrl+/” and your selection is turned into a comment. You can quickly comment out code blocks this way while troubleshooting or turn back commented code into active code.
Settings widgets
One thing Cinnamon developers immediately miss when they work on other projects is the ability to quickly and easily develop preferences windows. Configuration pages, sections and widgets which automatically sync with gsettings were developed early in Cinnamon and made writing and maintaining Cinnamon Settings a breeze.
These widgets were recently moved to python-xapp (as its name suggests: The Python Xapp module) to become available outside of Cinnamon and to other projects.
Not only will this make writing preferences easier, it will also give Cinnamon and other projects a more consistent look and feel.
Here are the mintmenu preferences rewritten with these widgets:
mintmenu preferences
To illustrate what this means in terms of maintenance for a project such as mintMenu, this particular rewrite added 679 lines and removed 2,267 lines of code. The resulting code is much shorter than before, with the vast majority of settings consisting in a single line of code.
MintMenu itself also received many bug fixes and quite a few improvements:
The search bar can now be moved to the top
In the recent plugin, the documents now appear first
The performance of the menu was greatly improved
Preferences were rewritten to use python-xapp and obsolete code was removed
A total of $24,149 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 868 donors:
$1000 (3rd donation), Clive M. $500, Echo Wireless Broadband, Inc. $300 (2nd donation), Peter I. $272, Peter A. M. $250 (3rd donation), David T. $222, Thomas C. $218, human aka “pubkey“ $200 (2nd donation), Edward R. G. $200, David W. $200, Massimo B. $200, Harry K. $150, Bryce V. H. $150, David M. $125, Alan W. $109 (4th donation), Uwe P. $109 (2nd donation), Andrea T. aka “atasc” $109 (2nd donation), Bert-jan W. $109 (2nd donation), Willem H. $109, Helmut S. $109, Mr. Bee $109, Christophe Kamphaus $100 (9th donation), Alfred H. aka “Varmint Al“ $100 (7th donation), Robert K. aka “usmc_bob” $100 (6th donation), Timothy P. $100 (6th donation), Mountain Computers, Inc $100 (3rd donation), Jon F. $100 (2nd donation), Donald A. $100 (2nd donation), William M. $100 (2nd donation), Adam G. $100 (2nd donation), Steve L. $100 (2nd donation), Phillip M. $100, Jason J. $100, Nick L. $100, James L. $100, Nathaniel A. $100, Patrick R. $100, Droid Tran $100, Christopher V. $100, Baumgartner New Media GmbH $100, Andrew L. $100, James H. $100, Kannan P. $100, David P. $100, Garrick L. $100, Luiz A. S. D. C. $100, Mike H. $100, Gary K. $100, Antonia S. $100, Trevor G. $100, Jean P. R. $87, Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez aka “astrojuanlu“ $82, Hugues L. $80, Paul M. $76.77, Kurt M. $75 (2nd donation), Roy L. $75 (2nd donation), Harry M. $75, Jason C. $75, Jim R. $75, Dave M. $60 (4th donation), Geoff S. $60 (2nd donation), Gladesoft, Inc. $60, Matthew J. $57, Nicolas V. $55, Tom W. $54 (12th donation), Goran A. $54 (6th donation), Heiko P. aka “CyCroN“ $54 (4th donation), Stephan U. $54 (4th donation), I REALLY like Linux Mint ! aka “Klaas Sijtsma” $54 (3rd donation), Jean-françois H. $54 (2nd donation), Odd I. $54 (2nd donation), Johan H. $54 (2nd donation), Mirko G. $54 (2nd donation), John B. $54 (2nd donation), Peter G. $54 (2nd donation), Sebastian K. $54 (2nd donation), Julia K. $54 (2nd donation), Theo S. A. $54, Janez G. $54, Gianni T. $54, Alexander W. $54, Helmut M. $54, Franciscus A. G. H. $54, Jörg W. $54, Ginés H. Z. $54, Heinrich F. $54, Philipp S. $54, Alejandro M. A. $53, L. I. $50 (72th donation), Matthew M. $50 (14th donation), Thomas T. aka “FullTimer1489” $50 (10th donation), Hans J. $50 (6th donation), Basic I. I. $50 (3rd donation), Rob U. $50 (3rd donation), Kenneth Z. $50 (3rd donation), Kamil R. $50 (3rd donation), Yang C. C. $50 (3rd donation), Michael T. $50 (2nd donation), Jeffrey C. $50 (2nd donation), Terry F. $50 (2nd donation), Nicholas R. $50 (2nd donation), Scott M. $50 (2nd donation), Steve H. $50 (2nd donation), Kenneth R. $50 (2nd donation), Jan R. $50 (2nd donation), Jay S. $50 (2nd donation), Joseph P. $50 (2nd donation), Brian Hilmers $50, Noah M. $50, Pavel K. $50, Jory $50, Stephen D. $50, Robert C. $50, Wayne B. $50, Graham W. $50, Peter W aka “PeteW@NZ” $50, Patrick L. $50, James L. $50, Raymond Y. $50, Mark H. $50, Patrick M. $50, Rain $50, Frederic M. $50, George L. $50, Lonnie R. $50, Clark B. $50, Brian A. $50, Mark G. $50, Charles K. $50, Guy R. $50, Dave H. $50, George R. $50, Robert M. $50, Miguel R. $50, Mark S. $50, Robert N. G. $50, Leons K. $50, So C. F. $50, Tom A. $50, Stony L. $50, John F. $50, Jon H. $50, Donald D. $50, Qiang L. $50, Fredrik N. $50, Trevor H. $50, POSITIVE DREAMS ELECTRONICS $50, Md N. A. $50, Margaret B. $50, Vang P. $50, Bryan E. $50, Lee R. $50, Robert S. $50, William M. $50, Alan M. aka “Phydoux “ $50, Robert J. $50, Terry P. $50, Sabine P. $50, John B. $50, William D. $50, Edward B. $50, Chester L. $45, Mircea N. $44, $44, Colin C. $44, Matthias H. $44, Gilles P. $44, MarcelloCicirello $40 (4th donation), William E. $40, Donald S. $40, Helena K. $40, David E. $40, Gregory G. $40, Guy L. $40, Wayne B. $35 (9th donation), Real F. $35, Peter W. $35, Ian N. $35, Lee’s Computer Repair $35, Simon P. M. $35, Andrew J. M. G. $33 (109th donation), Olli K. $33 (5th donation), Richard C. $33 (3rd donation), Dan $33 (2nd donation), Dominique D. $33 (2nd donation), Brian M. $33 (2nd donation), Juha M. $33, Horst-rüdiger L. $33, Harald R. $33, Glynn G. $33, Alain B. $33, Ralf B. $33, Egidio M. $33, Produkttester Portal $33, Holger B. $30 (4th donation), Grady V. aka “Donate!“ $30 (4th donation), Philippe A. $30 (3rd donation), Dominic B. $30 (3rd donation), Kevin Humphreys $30 (2nd donation), Denis G. $30 (2nd donation), Michael Schröter aka “mia“ $30 (2nd donation), Christian B. $30 (2nd donation), Daniel M. $30 (2nd donation), Declan K. $30, Joseph L. $30, Nathan S. $30, Kenneth C. $30, David K. $30, Jesus A. $30, Steve D. aka “CoachSteve“ $30, James A. $30, TweakHound $27 (7th donation), Jon Marks aka “ESL Materials Writer“ $27 (4th donation), Gerhard A. $27, Miguel A. L. L. $27, Piersandro G. aka “PaRRoT“ $27, Juergen G. $27, Benny H. aka “kalleurban” $27, Joerg P. $27, Karl-ludwig W. $27, PZL Games $27, Max W. $27, Simon W. $27, Heinrich T. $27, Michael N. $26, Thomas O. $25 (92th donation), Ronald W. $25 (7th donation), Brent S. aka “AFineMan” $25 (6th donation), Daniel V. M. $25 (5th donation), Raymond O. $25 (5th donation), Richard L. $25 (5th donation), Donna B. $25 (4th donation), Peter C. $25 (4th donation), Liz K. $25 (3rd donation), Troels M. $25 (3rd donation), Chris G. $25 (3rd donation), TJ Nelson $25 (3rd donation), Roderick N. $25 (3rd donation), Robert S. $25 (3rd donation), Eugene H. $25 (2nd donation), Wesley A. S. $25 (2nd donation), Randall D. $25 (2nd donation), Michael W. $25 (2nd donation), Keith.A. $25 (2nd donation), Stu B. $25 (2nd donation), David C. $25 (2nd donation), Peter N. $25 (2nd donation), George A. $25 (2nd donation), Arun B. $25 (2nd donation), Guy L. $25 (2nd donation), George T. $25 (2nd donation), Brian D. $25 (2nd donation), Nigel J. $25, Ken L. $25, Mark F. $25, Carl B. $25, James Mudd $25, Dennis B. $25, Gary B. $25, Mike S. $25, Justin E. $25, Tim M. $25, Ronald F. $25, Joshua O. $25, Walter R. $25, Bron E. $25, Bill K. $25, Phil N. $25, Dan C. $25, Richard S. $25, Chetan V. $25, Christian L. $25, Richard W. $25, David N. B. $25, Mary M. $25, Gunter V. D. H. $25, Encryptomatic LLC $25, Raghava K. $25, Leroy H. $25, Marc S. $25, David T. $25, Ray D. $25, Ian R. $25, Marc C. $25, T H. $25, Duncan G. aka “DigitalDunc” $25, Jaime F. $25, Jsports Inc/Blackgunstuff $25, Joseph C. $25, John O. $25, James M. $25, B T. $25, Justin P. $25, Philip M. $25, Thomas Hunter II $25, Michael M. $25, David M. $25, Oz A. $25, Cliff H. $25, Frank R. $25, Chris S. $23.1 (10th donation), Douglas T. $23, Alexandru I. M. $23, Roland N. $22 (26th donation), Derek R. $22 (16th donation), Doriano G. M. $22 (7th donation), Juan T. $22 (6th donation), Bruno Weber $22 (5th donation), Walter S. $22 (5th donation), D. B. . $22 (4th donation), Robot Tondeuse $22 (4th donation), Neil B. $22 (4th donation), Philipp H. $22 (3rd donation), Frederik M. $22 (3rd donation), David M. D. $22 (2nd donation), Matthias Rainer $22 (2nd donation), Jorma V. $22 (2nd donation), Thierry G. $22 (2nd donation), David W. $22 (2nd donation), JN $22 (2nd donation), Dominique D. $22, Hubertus B. $22, Gregor M. $22, Miguel A. D. P. S. $22, Kevin V. L. $22, Roland T. $22, Günter M. $22, Peter K. $22, Geoffrey A. $22, Lenze V. D. B. $22, Elio B. $22, Janne Inkilä $22, Albano M. $22, Nurettin G. $22, Stefan M. $22, Stefan E. $22, Ralf S. $22, Štefan V. $22, Alan H. $22, Peter B. $22, Christian F. $22, Lorenzo M. $22, Paul D. $20 (25th donation), Jim A. $20 (17th donation), Lance M. $20 (15th donation), Kwan L. aka “DigitalHermit“ $20 (14th donation), Christopher R. $20 (13th donation), Kevin S. $20 (12th donation), Michel S. $20 (8th donation), Bryan F. $20 (6th donation), Mike W aka “bajan52” $20 (6th donation), Michele L. $20 (6th donation), CW P. $20 (6th donation), Paul K. $20 (4th donation), Benjamin G. $20 (3rd donation), John T. $20 (3rd donation), Zach G. $20 (3rd donation), David B. $20 (3rd donation), Chris D. $20 (3rd donation), Stephen F. $20 (3rd donation), Kenneth B. $20 (3rd donation), Scott S. $20 (2nd donation), Jack B. $20 (2nd donation), Anibal M. $20 (2nd donation), Dragan D. $20 (2nd donation), Jonathan O. $20 (2nd donation), The Silence $20 (2nd donation), Jonas B. $20 (2nd donation), UFO $20 (2nd donation), Eric L. $20 (2nd donation), Raikanta S. $20 (2nd donation), Jeff B. $20 (2nd donation), Roberta P. $20 (2nd donation), Antonio M. $20, Olaf M. $20, Martin L. $20, Edward Z. $20, Richard T. $20, Paul B. $20, Das G. C. $20, Raymond C. $20, Earl P. $20, Joshua B. $20, Kamil J. $20, John S. $20, Jacek O. $20, Jacob K. $20, Preston M. $20, Elliot M. $20, Chris P. $20, Stephen M. $20, Clfford H. $20, Kawano T. $20, Michael E. $20, Mark E. $20, Walter D. $20, Martin B. $20, Peter S. $20, Sanket W. $20, Jon F. $20, Mark K. $20, Geon C. $20, Ben H. $20, Charles A. $20, Pascal L. $20, Andrei A. $20, Mr S. J. S. $20, Achint M. $20, Guy H. $20, James G. D. $20, Martin M. $20, Howard P. $20, Dale L. $20, Werner T. $20, Don V. $20, Richard J. W. J. $20, Aaron W. $20, Geoffrey M. $20, Carson Ip $20, Scott P. $20, Glen S. $20, Yap K. F. $20, Andrew B. $20, Daniel A. $20, David F. $20, John A. F. $20, Miles S. P. $20, Damien B. $20, Daniel B. $20, John J. $20, Michael A. $20, John C. $20, Danny C. $20, Alexander L. M. $20, Toshihiko K. $20, Jonathan W. $20, Mitch W. $20, Meetstream USA $20, 石塚 潔 $20, Jake K. $20, Dason W. $20, Kevin H. $20, Peter F. $20, Paul R. $20, John B. $20, Alexander R. $20, Donald O. $18.59 (2nd donation), Robert M. $18, Michael F. $17 (2nd donation), Paulo P. $16 (27th donation), Andreas S. $16 (6th donation), Michele B. aka “MickyInTheSky“ $16 (4th donation), anonymous $16 (3rd donation), Florent V. $16 (2nd donation), Antti P. $16, Michael F. $16, Stephen P. $16, P J. $16, Ib O. J. $16, Friedrich P. $16, Brett S. $16, Roberto P. C. $16, Hans-ulrich B. $16, Heath B. $16, Grigori H. $16, Rasmus T. $15 (7th donation), Robert S. $15 (6th donation), Constantin M. $15 (4th donation), Robin H. $15 (3rd donation), Fred B. $15 (3rd donation), Brent F. $15 (3rd donation), Alan W. $15 (2nd donation), Saravanan S. $15 (2nd donation), Edward C. $15 (2nd donation), Brian B. $15, Dennis P. $15, Sundararaman V. $15, Yair S. $15, Carl L. $15, Harley T. $15, D G. S. $15, Mark K. $15, Matthew H. $15, Dietmar W. $15, Maurizio T. $15, Tarick K. $15, Nikhil K. $15, Tyler B. $15, Tamas F. $15, Kelly V. $15, James M. $15, Liviu B. $15, Jurandir D. S. $13 (6th donation), Stephen R. $13 (2nd donation), Sander H. $13, Matteo N. $13, Hanno B. $13, Jorge A. R. P. $13, Sinelobov I. $12 (97th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca” $12 (6th donation), H ScottB $12, defnull development $12, Krzysztof S. $11.11, Richard M. $11 (29th donation), Paul O. $11 (13th donation), Eskild T $11 (7th donation), Vittorio F. $11 (6th donation), Cyril U. $11 (5th donation), Bjørn M. J. aka “BMJ” $11 (4th donation), Gert G. $11 (4th donation), Danilo S. $11 (3rd donation), Alexander K. $11 (3rd donation), Brian H. aka “bribagz” $11 (3rd donation), R. I. . aka “Birman” $11 (3rd donation), Hans-Dieter S. aka “hadisch” $11 (3rd donation), Chris R. $11 (2nd donation), Stephane B. $11 (2nd donation), Ciaran S. $11 (2nd donation), Nikolay G. $11 (2nd donation), Olivier B. $11 (2nd donation), Iwan aka “Hopka” $11 (2nd donation), Kullo-Kalev A. $11 (2nd donation), Julien R. $11 (2nd donation), Frank D. aka “highlandham” $11 (2nd donation), RJ $11 (2nd donation), Roger B. $11 (2nd donation), Fabian T. $11 (2nd donation), Yanko N. $11 (2nd donation), Arend V. O. $11 (2nd donation), Anonymous $11 (2nd donation), Jerome G. -. A. $11 (2nd donation), Andreas H. $11 (2nd donation), Jadran D. $11, Th. B. S. $11, Caspar S. $11, Miodrag D. $11, Romano R. $11, Serge S. $11, Philip G. $11, Job D. R. B. $11, Etienne B. $11, Marcel E. $11, Luqman M. $11, Magnus L. $11, Bas S. $11, Patrick S. $11, Jorge M. G. $11, Bram G. $11, Mathias P. $11, Christian K. $11, Timothy H. $11, Markus S. $11, Benjamin G. $11, Hansruedi S. $11, Ankur D. $11, Wojciech W. $11, Sergio G. $11, Alberto M. $11, Johnny H. $11, Sirbu M. L. $11, Dawid S. $11, Samuel N. $11, Mois C. $11, Adam K. $11, Radu S. C. $11, Mathias F. $11, Giorgio G. $11, Martin B. $11, Noël D. K. $11, Göran H. $11, Anthony J. $11, Akan Y. $11, Robert W. $11, Jens R. $11, Noah P. $11, Tomasz F. $11, Laurent G. $11, Penelope S. $11, Stefan S. $11, Falko W. $11, Christoph F. $11, Hans E. $11, Jean-pierre M. $11, Andreas Krizek $11, Davide P. aka “Dragone2“ $11, Matthieu D. aka “made_2001” $11, Jeff J. $10 (41th donation), Thomas C. $10 (32nd donation), Frank K. $10 (26th donation), Jim A. $10 (18th donation), Rick R. $10 (13th donation), Chris K. $10 (13th donation), Hemant Patel $10 (12th donation), Laura NL aka “lauranl“ $10 (11th donation), Masaomi Yoshida $10 (10th donation), Richard L. S. $10 (8th donation), Dohaeng L. $10 (8th donation), AJ Gringo $10 (6th donation), Ian E. $10 (6th donation), Anatolii B. $10 (6th donation), Peter R. $10 (5th donation), Sergey A. $10 (5th donation), James O. $10 (4th donation), Neil B. $10 (4th donation), A.B. aka “hapihakr” $10 (4th donation), S. Falcão aka “S. Falcao” $10 (4th donation), Milan H. $10 (3rd donation), Stuart M. aka “UKStuart” $10 (3rd donation), Jan H $10 (3rd donation), Marcelo G. P. $10 (3rd donation), Edward U. $10 (3rd donation), Neil B. $10 (3rd donation), Marcelo G. P. $10 (2nd donation), François B. $10 (2nd donation), N W. C. $10 (2nd donation), Fragile Gods $10 (2nd donation), Aaron C. $10 (2nd donation), Martin B. $10 (2nd donation), Trygve S. $10 (2nd donation), Mathieu Q. $10 (2nd donation), Roman Y. $10 (2nd donation), Bernie B. $10 (2nd donation), Ireneusz D. $10 (2nd donation), Ben G $10 (2nd donation), Aaron C. $10 (2nd donation), Stephen W. $10 (2nd donation), Anand S. $10 (2nd donation), Colum C. $10, Timothy C. $10, John K. $10, Donald L. $10, Kevin D. $10, Tim V. $10, Michael L. $10, Arvind S. $10, Greg W. $10, Dillon M. $10, Jorge A. $10, Michael T. $10, Raul W. $10, Les E. $10, Fukuda Y. $10, Vít B. $10, Joshua H. $10, Oleksiy S. $10, Nathan T. $10, Ernest P. aka “panernest” $10, Royce B. $10, aka “forpeterssake” $10, Andrew W. $10, Jp F. $10, Doctor Buzzard’s Elvis Isis Temple of Love! $10, Soutthanou C. $10, Michael H. $10, Lucas H. $10, StampinMelis $10, Robert M. $10, Roberto O. $10, Ben G. $10, Nick H. $10, Alexander M. $10, Alec H. $10, Diego A. O. $10, Graeme Simpson aka “Ordinary Supplies“ $10, Stephan W. $10, Valentin Kostadinov $10, Alexandre C. $10, Boris M. $10, Steve Y. $10, Mike S. $10, David H. aka “DRHan” $10, Jayakusuma H. $10, John W. $10, Jon E. $10, Ian B. $10, Marc L. $10, Faris M. aka “Black.Hacker” $10, Stephen B. $10, Philip B. $10, C L. $10, Patrick S. $10, Antonio L. $10, Luis F. $10, Stone P. $10, Giovani P. $10, Mohammed A. $10, John C. $10, Richard M. $10, Joshua B. $10, Stan R. $10, Zia A. $10, Столяревский И. $10, John C. $10, Randy L. M. $10, Matt A. $10, Angelo M. $10, Nathan S. $10, William G. $10, Yogesh S. $9, Ben F. $8 (2nd donation), Petr Š. $8, Lorne F. $8, $7.77 (5th donation), Jason N. aka “IggyNelix” $7.77 (3rd donation), Matīss J. $7 (2nd donation), Phouc P. $6 (13th donation), gmq $5 (35th donation), Eugene T. $5 (33rd donation), Kouji Sugibayashi $5 (26th donation), Bhavinder Jassar $5 (18th donation), Dmitry P. $5 (7th donation), rptev $5 (5th donation), Luiz H. R. C. $5 (5th donation), Emanuele Proietti aka “Manuermejo” $5 (5th donation), Athanasios F. aka “thanosfrag” $5 (5th donation), William Menezes $5 (4th donation), George M. $5 (4th donation), M. P. V. $5 (4th donation), Andrew I. $5 (3rd donation), Zbyszek S. $5 (3rd donation), Christian O. $5 (3rd donation), Timothy B. $5 (3rd donation), Raphael M. S. $5 (3rd donation), Michael R. $5 (3rd donation), Milan H. $5 (3rd donation), Simone G. $5 (3rd donation), Ruslan A. $5 (2nd donation), Adam F. $5 (2nd donation), Cathi I. $5 (2nd donation), Ivan Zhelev $5 (2nd donation), George J. $5 (2nd donation), Andrew D. $5 (2nd donation), Pedro de Oliveira aka “Bolas” $5 (2nd donation), Alejandro N. $5 (2nd donation), Elaine A. $5 (2nd donation), Robert W. $5 (2nd donation), Paul Meyers Consulting aka “SEO North Bay“ $5 (2nd donation), Janne M. $5 (2nd donation), Rajshri Mohan K S aka “rajshrimohanks“ $5 (2nd donation), John M. $5 (2nd donation), Javier F. $5 (2nd donation), Ilia Iliev $5 (2nd donation), David W. $5, Bernd H. $5, James A. $5, James P. $5, Henri G. $5, Fernando José aka “Nando_lavras” $5, Paweł M. $5, RealRevs LLC $5, Botafogo E. $5, Jackie W. $5, Peter Jurkovic $5, Matthew M. $5, Choo Z. M. $5, Alexander G. $5, Axel G. $5, Arkaprava M. $5, Donald H. $5, Carl B. $5, Srivathsa B. $5, Rijal M. $5, Brianna K. $5, Libia L. $5, Arlen A. $5, Thomas L. $5, Νικολαος Σ. $5, Lucio G. V. $5, Dániel L. $5, Edwin L. $5, Juan M. C. $5, Jason I. $5, Roger B. $5, T B. $5, Michal R. $5, Anirudh U. $5, Izaiah W. $5, M C. $5, Fredrik N. $5, Jp M. $5, Radek M. $5, Donato S. $5, Jamil Z. $5, Alessandro M. $5, David T. $5, Wolfgang A. $5, Praveen G Prakash $5, Urs S. $5, Stephen M. $5, Michael L. $5, Hovakim G. $5, Alexander V. $5, Bjorn H. $5, Eric B. $5, Hristo Gatsinski $5, S B. $5, Karl S. $5, ZeroInfo $5, Stephen K. $5, Yip K. K. $5, Ivan Rivalcoba aka “Ivanovich” $5, Aaron E. aka “PizzaDude“ $5, Dave The Busker UK aka “DaveTheBuskerUK“ $5, Акимов Денис $5, Stefan B. $5, Justin B. $5, Bernard D. $5, Bryn E. $5, Christopher C. $5, Fábio N. $5, Marcello P. 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