In 2013, 1 billion stolen data records were exposed online. Three years later, that figure would reach more than 4.2 billion. The findings, issued by Risk Based SecurityData Breach QuickView Report, also highlighted another remarkable statistic: that the business sector makes up for nearly 81 percent of all confidential data exposed online.
This statistic is stunning, but it could be a lot worse. Inga Goddijn, executive vice president of Risk Based Security, said, in an interview with Dark Reading, that the findings show every organization is at risk for data loss.
“What [RBS’s] data shows is that really, no industry is immune to data loss,” Goddijn said. “Any organization that has sensitive data—which is every organization with employees or confidential information—can be a target.”
When a company’s data center shuts down, be it due to cybercriminal activity or natural disaster, the recovery platform used by IT can drastically affect the success rate of data recovery efforts. Relying too heavily on legacy systems for data recovery depletes resources and cuts into IT’s data repair and retrieval time. IT solutions have evolved with the cloud. With VMware vCloud® Air™ Network, organizations can find a VMware-certified Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) provider that will offer security, resource savings and real-time disaster recovery.
The Cost of Compromised Company Data
According to Invincea’s 2016 Cyberthreat Defense Report, the number of IT decision makers admitting they’ve suffered a successful data breach in 2014 was 62 percent. In 2015, that figure grew to 71 percent. Last year, 76 percent admitted a breach took place within their networks. That figure is growing, and it’ll likely continue to grow as more small to medium-sized businesses and startups further expose themselves online.
And the cost of that exposure is high. The average stolen digital record costs companies $141, but the financial and reputational costs associated with a breach can send a business reeling.
A cloud-based disaster recovery solution can help IT teams better mitigate cybercrime risk and significantly reduce time-to-recovery. VMware DRaaS provides enterprise IT with real-time security results and cuts down on resource bleeding.
The Three Benefits of DRaaS Solution
VMware’s vCloud Air Network DRaaS solution is beneficial for several reasons. On-site cloud data storage is now possible, making DRaaS a viable form of insurance in the event of a cybersecurity attack or natural disaster.
Trusted Security:
VMware vCloud Air Network features more than 4,000 cloud providers in over 100 countries across the globe. Because of its diverse partners, vCAN can better meet service expectations, area certification and comply with even the most complex data sovereignty regulations. This makes VMware one of the most reliable, trusted names in cloud computing.
Virtual Access Equals Resource Savings:
VMware’s DRaaS solution’s flexible infrastructure integrates with multiple platforms. This means no specialized hardware purchases are necessary. This cuts down on operations and capital expenses, giving your organization more opportunities to allocate resources where they’re needed most.
Real-Time Disaster Recovery:
Instead of relying on a company partner’s outside IT to retrieve the enterprise’s lost or corrupted data off-site, In-house IT staff will be able to use a VMware-DRaaS certified provider to recover company data on-site in real-time. DRaaS can strengthen enterprise IT infrastructure and offer IT staff the support necessary to recover compromised or damaged digital records.
It wasn’t long ago that IT members had to travel long distances to off-site locations to examine and update their network security. VMware’s vCloud Air Network DRaaS solution helps companies find certified DRaaS providers in their area, cutting down on resource and time waste.
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