Donations & Sponsorships:
Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:
$600 (5th donation), Mohammed A.
$400 (5th donation), Ronald S.
$256, Andrew McNicol aka “exhipigeonist”
$150, Christopher A.
$100 (2nd donation), Jose G.
$100, Jennifer P.
$100, Daniel M.
$100, LLC
$100, Harald T.
$100, Kent W.
$100, Robert D.
$100, John H.
$100, Nathan R.
$79.1, Ian M.
$73.01 (4th donation), Muharem Hrnjad
$60.84 (5th donation), Jan W.
$50 (27th donation), Matthew M.
$50 (16th donation), Tsuguo S.
$50 (5th donation), Ralph Siegler aka “ziggy“
$50 (2nd donation), Ernest M.
$50, Roy B.
$50, Miles S.
$50, D J. B.
$50, Arley F. I.
$50, Graham & Laura
$50, Pierre A.
$50, Chris N.
$50, John H.
$48.67 (2nd donation), Ralph H.
$41.25 (3rd donation), Jon G.
$40 (8th donation), Philippe W.
$40 (6th donation), Andrew M.
$37.26 (28th donation), Olli K.
$37.26, Le bretzel
$36.51, Mikael N.
$36.51, Nicolas F.
$35 (7th donation), Kamal G aka “anim8”
$35, Stephen E.
$31.64, T
$31.51 (33rd donation), Slavoljub aka “slw”
$30.42 (4th donation), J J. V. K.
$30.42, Thomas M.
$30 (3rd donation), Steve Guard aka “SteveG”
$30, Ivan F. D. S.
$30, John H.
$30, Emmett S.
$25 (10th donation), Kenny Hendrick aka “NprComputers“
$25 (9th donation), Ronald W.
$25 (5th donation), Henry Dubb aka “Henry“
$25 (4th donation), Paul Bary
$25 (3rd donation), Hector Richart P.
$25 (2nd donation), Juan Villegas aka “juankvillegas“
$25 (2nd donation), Vallin E.
$25, Stephen H.
$25, Kurt
$25, Jim F.
$25, John M. aka “Opu$”
$25, Olivier D.
$25, Dennis M.
$25, Mark L.
$25, Erich K.
$24.84 (3rd donation), Anno K.
$24.84 (2nd donation), Holger F.
$24.84, Barbara B.
$24.84, Eric T.
$24.84, Helmut B.
$24.34, Nicolas A.
$24.34, Aksel G.
$24.34, Stefan L.
$24.34, David E. T.
$24.34, Niek L.
$20 (7th donation), James R.
$20 (2nd donation), Linas A.
$20, Syed M.
$20, Michael G.
$20, Eisendraut Kay aka “Caturix“
$20, Michael G.
$20, Jorgebadad aka “jungle_man”
$20, Harold M.
$20, Paul W.
$20, John M.
$20, Michael B.
$20, Yahya The Impaler
$20, Nathan G.
$20, Hans A. N.
$20, Ian M.
$20, Andreas F.
$20, Brandon H.
$20, John A.
$20, Doug S.
$20, Eugene M.
$20, Hrishikesh D.
$18.25 (2nd donation), Jean-michel A.
$18.25, Andreas S.
$18.25, Teemu V.
$18.25, Frederic S.
$17.76, Duane B.
$15 (16th donation), John A.
$15 (2nd donation), Nicholas B.
$15, Bernard H.
$15, Todd B.
$15, Marcelo Parrela aka “Marcelo Parrela”
$14.9, iPhone News
$13.39, Marco Zani
$12.6 (4th donation), Jon G.
$12.42, Tobie D. B.
$12.42, Timo L.
$12.17 (11th donation), Jarkko K.
$12.17 (5th donation), zerozero
$12.17 (2nd donation), Marcial S. F.
$12.17, Thomas S.
$12.17, Siegfried H.
$12.17, Thomas S.
$11.5, Ashiq R.
$11, Charlene C.
$10 (16th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$10 (11th donation), Antonina K. aka “Tonya”
$10 (7th donation), Hawk Computer
$10 (5th donation), CW P.
$10 (4th donation), Andrew Simpson
$10 (3rd donation), Fabio Ranquetat aka “Ranquetat”
$10 (3rd donation), George Z.
$10 (2nd donation), Larry Jones aka “LarryJ2“
$10 (2nd donation), Belak Adam
$10 (2nd donation), Dale B.
$10 (2nd donation), Dean F.
$10 (2nd donation), Justin P.
$10, Thomas B.
$10, Pierre W.
$10, Shelton G.
$10, John B.
$10, Jason T.
$10, Alfredo A. M.
$10, Eko T.
$10, Shane K aka “BeyondCr”
$10, Joel S.
$10, dfl13
$10, Vianey M. G.
$10, Jean Lafontaine aka “lafontaj”
$10, Carl C.
$10, Emmett H.
$10, Kevin A.
$8.01 (8th donation), Matt R. aka “kiswa”
$7, Jessica T.
$6.69, Stefano S.
$6.21 (3rd donation), Marco aka “Dictionary-Maker“
$6.21, Emilien K.
$6.08 (4th donation), Sampsa P.
$6.08 (3rd donation), SilFox
$6.08 (2nd donation), iPhone News
$6.08, Gregory F.
$6, Patrick F.
$5.96, Santiago L. M.
$5 (8th donation), Paul B. aka “Dude”
$5 (7th donation), Wolfgang aka “Info-Pflege,de“
$5 (3rd donation), Jens P.
$5 (2nd donation), Roman Voronov aka “rv82”
$5 (2nd donation), dS]x[2b
$5 (2nd donation), Richard K.
$5 (2nd donation), Zarko Z.
$5, kazuma k.
$5, Pham H. D. N.
$5, Paulo M.
$5, Miroslav Ristic
$5, Anton F.
$5, Gabriel D.
$5, Maria N.
$5, John H.
$5, Steven E.
$5, Holly P.
$5, Linix J.
$5, Mara D. S.
$5, Joshua G.
$5, Victor C.
$5, Happy Mint aka “
“$5, Martin J.
$5, Roman Voronov aka “rv82”
$4, Marilyn K.
$3.95 (4th donation), Liam W.
$3.94 (7th donation), free domain names
$3.75 (5th donation), Jon G.
$3, Web Design Company
$2.43, Nitin K.
$2.39 (6th donation), Jurek W.
$2 (13th donation), coaching for health
$2 (2nd donation), Eduardo F. O.
$2 (2nd donation), aka “SourDee“
$2, Rafa A. S.
$1.5 (3rd donation), iPhone Rumors
$1.22 (5th donation), Yannick G. aka “Uggy”
$1.22 (3rd donation), iPhone News
$1.22, Sebastian C. V.
$1.22, Giuseppe Parello
$1.05, Brian C.
$1 (8th donation), Namestaj
$1 (7th donation), Pharmacie en ligne
$1 (3rd donation), Como saber si le gustas a un chico
$1 (2nd donation), Easter Island
$1 (2nd donation), F. Fauzi aka “fuadfauzi“
$1, Jeffrey P.
$1, Jerry Jones
$1, F. Fauzi aka “fuadfauzi“
$1, Popular
$1, Carlo B.
$1, Spike Snell
$0.5 (8th donation), Javier Bassi
$0.5, Coupon Digs
$6375, Blue Systems – Netrunner
$500, Milton Security Group
$260, AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
$40, Kinescope Inc.
$30, Coupon Hubs
$30, Kyle Jones aka Mutiny32
$26, Windows VPS Hosting
$25, Mark Cohen
$20, CEPTOR Datentechnik oHG
$20, D M Hamilton
$20, David Reisner
$20, David S.
$20, Helmut Kleinhans
$20, Kristian S.
$20, Sascha Reinsch
$15, David Liebert
$15, Mage Mojo, LLC
$15, Mark Pauls
$13, Scott S.
$13, Unixmen- Linux Howtos & Tutorials
$12, Promotional Products
$12, Thomas S.
$12, Tim W.
$11, J.S. Johnson
$11, Promotional Mouse Mats
$10, Andre H.
$10, Aurelien “Nabnut” P.
$10, Barry’s Tickets
$10, Fromax
$10, JimQ
$10, Jonathan K.
$10, Libre-assistance
$10, Marcus Seidler
$10, Mattias S. (DynamicMan)
$10, newW2
$10, Raees Miyan
$10, Ronald B.
$10, Shaun Hills
$10, Tara Norris
$10, ThinkPenguin
$10, Turin
$10, Weihnachtskarten Firmen
$10, Yahya Edwards
$7, Jesse Burroughs aka “JpBя”
$6, deep64blue
$6, Dimitris Christidis
$5, Alexander Bremnes
$5, Chicago Trivia Guys
$5, Craig
$5, David Stow
$5, Don Brubaker
$5, forthnutter
$5, Jeffrey S.
$5, Joe H. aka “JoeFootball”
$5, Kelley J.
$5, Kelly OShea
$5, Laurent P.
$5, Ludovic G.
$5, Mahen
$5, Matthew Y.
$5, Neb Radojkovic
$5, Paul Griffiths
$5, Peter K.
$5, Sayeed Baksh
$5, Steve Burdine aka “Highfructose327“
$5, Thomas Nehrlich
$5, Torstein Sornes aka “todda7”
$5, Vlad The Impatient
$5, YAMPE GmbH
$4, Baby Shower Favors
$4, Chile travel
$4, Hector Richart Pedraza
$4, Josef Kulhanek
$3.14, Kindi
$3.1, Laptop Driver
$3, CreationsByRichie – $9.00 Static jpg Web Banner Designs
$3, Elliot Padgett
$3, n[oO]ne
$3, Simon R.
$3, Stephen Aghaulor
$2.5, Vince Marsters
$2.1, Product Reviews Community
$2, Douglas T.
$2, Greg Flynn
$2, Joerg Dreckmann
$2, småfolk
$2, SPAC Information and News
$2, Tangled Frog Web Design
$2, testing home for mold
$2, VeganQuebec
$1.5, Daniel A.
$1.5, Farbyte
$1.25, Justin Peterson
$1.11, Get Free Domain Name
$1.05, Wezley
$1, Недвижимость на Кипре
$1, недвижимость в греции
$1, Alamsyah R.
$1, Albert J. P.
$1, Bespoke Engagement Rings
$1, Best Of Youtube
$1, Can Stock Photo
$1, Cheap SEO service
$1, Cialis
$1, Cyprus Resale
$1, Cyprus Weather
$1, DJ Conde
$1, Foto Search Stock Photography
$1, Frank S.
$1, Giochi gratis online
$1, Go Graph Stock Photography
$1, GTB-Metaldesign
$1, Hard Drive Reviews
$1, iPad News
$1, Javier Ruiz
$1, John Michael L.
$1, Josh Klomp
$1, Lechenie v Izraile
$1, levitra
$1, Matthew from Magicians in Los Angeles
$1, Poker Fieber
$1, Pokerschule
$1, Press Release Monkey
$1, Property In Greece
$1, Radu-Liviu C.
$1, redfoa
$1, redfoa
$1, Sergey Dovidov
$1, Squishy
$1, Stefan Heijnen
$1, Steffen Lange
$1, Vaclav Pavek
$1, Zenworks Servizi Web
$0.95, Annual Percentage Rate Finder
$0.5, Awesome Link Directory
$0.5, Ethoseo Internet Marketing
$0.5, Foobnix – Music Player for Linux, Android, Windows
$0.5, Irina D.
$0.5, Kuhinje po meri
Money raised in June:
* Donations: $5629 (207 donors)
* Sponsors: $8457 (151 sponsors)
- mintCast released 4 podcast episodes:
- Linux Mint 13 Xfce RC was released
- Linux Mint and CompuLab announced the MintBox
- OEM installation images for Linux Mint 13 were released