Donations & Sponsorships:
Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:
$100 (6th donation), Andreas S. aka “Unforgiving67“
$100 (5th donation), Gregor M.
$100 (3rd donation), J.-Yves Lortie aka “amadeus128”
$100 (3rd donation), Roland Stohler aka “ro@st”
$100 (2nd donation), Robert Pilgrim aka “robfuscate”
$100, Warren A.
$100, Mohee J.
$100, David B.
$100, Jeff S.
$100, Stephan T.
$81.8 (8th donation), Laurent P.
$75, David G.
$70, Martin O.
$69.4 (2nd donation), Vincent V.
$69.4, Alan H.
$68.17, Robert S. aka “Franzisskuss”
$55.5 (6th donation), Pasi K.
$50 (5th donation), Tsuguo S.
$50 (4th donation), Tsuguo S.
$50 (3rd donation), Tsuguo S.
$50 (3rd donation), Carlos H. G.
$50 (3rd donation), G. Sheffield
$50 (2nd donation), Lockert P.
$50 (2nd donation), Tsuguo S.
$50, Arend Rietkerk aka “fliteshare”
$50, Robert F. C.
$50, Gary B.
$40.9, Giuseppe Ficara
$40, Rich H.
$35 (24th donation), Slavoljub aka “slw”
$34.7, Daniel H.
$34.7, Andreas S. aka “Schoni”
$32.38, Ron D.
$30 (2nd donation), Alex Dolhescu aka “alex894”
$30, Shaun I.
$30, Gregory C.
$27.8 (19th donation), Olli K.
$27.27, Jean-Yves Z.
$26.75, Jeroen F.
$26.75, Neil O.
$26.51 (24th donation), Manuel F.
$26.16, Alfredo V. V.
$25.9, Marcus L.
$25 (9th donation), John M.
$25 (4th donation), Happy Nerds Workshop aka “linuxdevman (scotts)“
$25 (3rd donation), Peter T.
$25 (3rd donation), Joshua B.
$25 (2nd donation), Adam D.
$25 (2nd donation), Gene C.
$25 (2nd donation), Kent K.
$25, Marinko Tarlac
$25, Pierre G.
$25, rjdsc
$25, Daniel S.
$25, Axel H. A.
$25, Rodney S.
$22, Galen T.
$21.21 (2nd donation), Tobias A.
$20.93 (2nd donation), Ashley S.
$20.82, Magnus K.
$20.45, Sven A. aka “Sven”
$20 (15th donation), Antonio M. aka “Rob Brill’s book-keeper”
$20 (6th donation), Anders B.
$20 (6th donation), Ian M.
$20 (2nd donation), Frank J.
$20 (2nd donation), Vincent P.
$20, Samue I.
$20, Константин Д.
$20, Drew Salmons. aka “Geronimo”
$20, Guilherme R.
$20, John F.
$20, Geoffrey G.
$20, Perry B. aka “uga_boy”
$20, Mitchell C.
$20, Mark S.
$20, Pedro E.
$20, Brian S.
$20, Brian B.
$20, Jon D.
$20, Michael M.
$19.62, Detlef K.
$17, William C.
$16.36, Ashley S.
$15 (4th donation), Sinisa Majstorovic
$15 (3rd donation), Andras Porga aka “GodmaNZ”
$15 (2nd donation), Stefan W. aka “querwurzelt”
$15, Laurence G. aka “The_Gooze!”
$15, Thomas E.
$15, Pat C.
$15, Caboodle C.
$15, Miki K.
$14.7 (3rd donation), D. Manoj Prabhu aka “Munna”
$14 (2nd donation), Matt R. aka “kiswa”
$13.9, Esben M.
$13.9, Eric B. aka “ProudPaw“
$13.9, Moritz K.
$13.63 (15th donation), Paco C.C. aka “kannabix”
$13.63, Patrick S. aka “pAt”
$13.63, Bryan T.
$13.63, Mario G. B.
$13.37, Daniel F.
$13.37, LIXC Software
$13.37, Are J.
$13.37, Michael S.
$13.37, Armin K.
$13.25, Antonio H. O. aka “Azkanel”
$12.95 (4th donation), Peter Portin
$12.95, Eneko M. E.
$12.95, Daragh Moriarty aka ““
$12, Keith W.
$11.11, Amy W.
$10 (7th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$10 (5th donation), Geschenkideen
$10 (4th donation), Astap A.
$10 (3rd donation), Jarkko K.
$10 (3rd donation), Robert T.
$10 (3rd donation), Costas Krallis aka “sv1xv“
$10 (2nd donation), Piermario R.
$10 (2nd donation), Andrew Simpson
$10, Joseph E.
$10, Peter Larson
$10, Marcin W.
$10, Suleyman Y.
$10, Tim W.
$10, George B.
$10, Anze S.
$10, Sergey N.
$10, HawkinzWeb Designs
$10, David E.
$10, Ricardo P.
$10, Zetay Lee aka “zetay“
$10, Milosav P.
$10, Sattam Alharbi aka “SattamJH”
$10, Robert J. H.
$10, Jan P.
$10, Paul G.
$10, Mehmet B. Y.
$10, Nikolas K.
$9.68, Martin P.
$7.77, Balasi B.
$7 (2nd donation), Antonina K. aka “Tonya”
$7, Arnold Bechtoldt aka “arnoldB“
$6.82 (6th donation), Ronald T.
$6.82, Albert J. P.
$6.8 (10th donation), Ulf S. aka “MonteDrago”
$6.7 (2nd donation), Jurek W.
$6.48, Jan V. P.
$5 (7th donation), Michael Gstettenbauer
$5 (3rd donation), Leon
$5 (2nd donation), Ruben C. M.
$5, Stephen P. C.
$5, Joel P.
$5, My Caring Connection
$5, Jerry M.
$5, Robert K. aka “Hamm“
$5, Steven P.
$5, Kristian B.
$5, Pawan Kumar aka “PK”
$5, David E. aka “DubiousAlliance”
$5, John F.
$5, Andrew K.
$4, Edoardo G.
$3.88, Csilla F.
$3.5 (2nd donation), Ron Panduwana
$3.33, Pradini P.
$3, David Y.
$2.8, Jose M. M. aka “Vacceo”
$2 (6th donation), mold test kits
$2 (2nd donation), Luca M. B.
$2 (2nd donation), Philip Patrick Butkiewicz aka “bagnz0r“
$2, Jithin J.
$2, Samuel L.
$1.94, Ilja Lebedev
$1.4, Anton W.
$1.34, Christiaan L.
$1.11, Rain C.
$1 (4th donation), Gonzalo C. aka “gcosta“
$1 (3rd donation), Snoring Solutions
$1, Justin V.
$1, Vladimir D.
$1, Kyle Nokes aka “Nokes”
$1, Rye Printing Inc.
$1, Sam J.
$1, Cuneyt Hayrullah aka “Linux Mint Turkey“
$1, Jonathan C. C.
$0.5, Philip Patrick Butkiewicz aka “bagnz0r“
$275, R1Soft
$260, AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
$75, John Ritchie aka “Aging Technogeek”
$50, Andreas Landgraf
$26, Windows VPS Hosting
$25, Blayne B.
$20, CEPTOR Datentechnik oHG
$20, David S.
$20, Guillaume V. aka Larlequin
$20, Kristian S.
$20, Roland A.
$20, Scott P.
$15, David Liebert
$14, Investment Blog
$13, Scott S.
$12, Thomas S.
$12, Tim W.
$11, Promotional Mouse Mats
$10, Advermedia
$10, Andre H.
$10, Angel M. D.
$10, Barry’s Tickets
$10, Dan Jackson
$10, Frank O.
$10, Jeff R.
$10, JimQ
$10, Jonathan K.
$10, Kim H.
$10, Mattias S. (DynamicMan)
$10, Mugs Promotional
$10, newW2
$10, Promotional Gifts
$10, Real Estate Centers
$10, Ronald B.
$10, Shaun Hills
$10, Website Auditor
$9, Promotional Items
$8, Attila Vecsei
$8, Printed Clothing
$7.5, Architecture
$7, Jesse Burroughs aka “JpBя”
$7, Martin S.
$7, Personalised Clothing
$7, Promotional Mug
$6, Clothing Promotional
$6, deep64blue
$6, Martin Senftleben aka “DrMartinus“
$5, Andreas G.
$5, Anthony Q.
$5, Dimitris Ch.
$5, Don Brubaker
$5, Fandangio
$5, Gregory T.
$5, Jeffrey S.
$5, Jeremy N.
$5, Joe H. aka “JoeFootball”
$5, Kelley J.
$5, Laurent P.
$5, Lee K.
$5, Martin R.
$5, Matthew N.
$5, Matthew Y.
$5, Printed Clothing
$5, Printed Mug
$5, Private Jets Charter
$5, Promotional Gifts
$5, Sohier C.
$5, Steve Burdine aka “Highfructose327“
$5, Thomas Nehrlich
$5, Torstein Sornes aka “todda7”
$5, Turin
$5, Vlad The Impatient
$4, Baby shower favors
$4, Chile travel
$3.42, Sylwia Bialczak
$3, CreationsByRichie – Animated Banners & Graphical Designs
$3, Josef K.
$3, Josef K.
$3, Sebastian Posch
$3, Simon R.
$3, Stephen Aghaulor
$2.5, Vince Marsters
$2.1, Product Reviews Community
$2, Caravan Awnings
$2, Douglas T.
$2, Joerg Dreckmann
$2, Manuel V.
$2, SPAC Information and News
$2, VeganQuébec
$1.5, Daniel A.
$1.5, Farbyte
$1.25, Justin Peterson
$1.2, Tax-Rebate
$1, Недвижимость на Кипре
$1, недвижимость в греции
$1, Bespoke Engagement Rings
$1, Can Stock Photo Inc.
$1, Cyprus Resale
$1, Cyprus Weather
$1, Ethoseo Internet Marketing – Washington
$1, Foto Search Stock Photography
$1, Frank S.
$1, Greg Flynn
$1, gsWare Italia
$1, Hard Drive Reviews
$1, iPad News
$1, Javier Ruiz
$1, John Michael L.
$1, Kevin H.
$1, Online Pokerraum aka “donegon“
$1, Poker Fieber
$1, Pokerschule
$1, Property In Greece
$1, Radu-Liviu C.
$1, Rakeback Deals
$1, redfoa
$1, redfoa
$1, Renelou Esperanzate
$1, Zenworks Servizi Web
$0.5, Awesome Link Directory
$0.5, Foobnix – Music Player for Linux, Android, Windows
$0.5, Irina D.
Money raised in September:
* Donations: $4185.33 (186 donors)
* Sponsors: $1414.03 (130 sponsors)
- Distrowatch (popularity ranking): 2079 (2nd)
- Alexa (website ranking): 11,784th
- Linux Mint Debian 201108 (Gnome and Xfce) was released
- Linux Mint signed a partnership with
- Linux Mint Debian Update Pack 3 was released
- mintCast released 4 podcast episodes: #81, #82, #83, and #84
News and summary:
- This is the busiest period of the year, and with no advertising income generated this month we’re relying solely on your donations and sponsorships. With that in mind, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to the 186 donors and the 130 sponsors who supported us financially. We’ve been lucky and successful since the start of this project, and this is probably the most difficult time since then, but you’ve been here for us, a fantastic community and a great network of partners, which meant we could carry on and afford to continue even without our main sources of income.
- Although we’re in a difficult situation financially, the future looks extremely bright. Our last recorded growth was a staggering 40%. With millions of Internet users Linux Mint is the 4th most popular operating system in the world, and we’re growing much faster than our competitors. Our business model consists in applying all our focus on the product itself, on distributing it for free and on monetizing the traffic and activity you generate on the Web. It’s the same business model used by TV channels and Radio stations, the wider the audience, the more successful it is. We’re currently in the process of choosing our business partners for the search market. Which browser and search engine will be the default in Linux Mint, how much funding will they generate for us and our partners? What default experience will you get out of it? This is all being decided at the moment. The solution we previously had in place needed to evolve, both from a user and business point of view. Going forward we’ll hopefully provide you with a better experience while generating additional funding in the process.
- Linux Mint 12 “Lisa” will be released in November this year with continued support for Gnome 2 but also with the introduction of Gnome 3. The radical changes introduced by the Gnome project split the community. At the time of releasing Linux Mint 11 we decided it was too early to adopt Gnome 3. This time around, the decision isn’t as simple. Gnome 3.2 is more mature and we can see the potential of this new desktop and use it to implement something that can look and behave better than anything based on Gnome 2. Of course, we’re starting from scratch and this process will take time and span across multiple releases. Until then, it’s important we continue to support the traditional Gnome 2 desktop. We’re likely to release two separate editions, one for Gnome 2.32 and one for Gnome 3.2. We’re also working in cooperation with the MATE project (which is a fork of Gnome 2) at the moment to see if we can make both desktops compatible in an effort to let you run both Gnome 2 (or MATE) and Gnome 3 on the same system, either in Linux Mint 12, or for the future.