Donations & Sponsorships:
Many thanks to the following donors and sponsors for financially supporting Linux Mint:
$150 (9th donation), Antonio M. aka “Rob Brill’s book-keeper”
$150 (2nd donation), C. L. aka “Rev Mike“
$132 (2nd donation), Drazen P.
$100 (4th donation), Jordan S.
$100, Alexander M. aka “Alex“
$100, David Clearwater
$79.2 (6th donation), Orlando M. M.
$66 (3rd donation), Achim L.
$60 (3rd donation), Darrel Norstrom aka “Darrel”
$50 (2nd donation), Christian Porter
$50 (2nd donation), Terry G.
$50, Mark F.
$50, Rodney G.
$50, Thomas K.
$50, James M.
$50, Jon N.
$39.6, Christian E.
$39.6, Lorenz F.
$35 (16th donation), Pete Molina aka “pmolina”
$35, Rob
$34.5 (2nd donation), Henk van C.
$33, Hartmut B.
$33, Florian
$30 (4th donation), Avery W. aka “willie42”
$30, Thomas D.
$27.6 (18th donation), Manuel F.
$27.6, ALKO aka “Loïc”
$26.4 (14th donation), Marco R.
$26.4 (14th donation), Olli K.
$26.4, Raymond C.
$26.4, Giuseppe S.
$26.4, Michele P. aka “mikipao”
$26.4, Sorin Silaghi aka “sorin7486“
$25 (7th donation), John M.
$25 (6th donation), Kenny Hendrick aka “NprComputers“
$25 (3rd donation), Michael L. aka “ddavid123“
$25, B Smith aka “corktowner”
$25, Arnold H.
$25, Robert F.
$25, Willi G.
$25, Ahmad M.
$25, Stoffberg’s
$20 (20th donation), Славољуб aka “slw”
$20 (12th donation), Matthew M.
$20 (2nd donation), Clifton W.
$20 (2nd donation), Trevor H.
$20, Daniel H.
$20, Bruno N.
$20, Thomas M.
$20, Mr D. A. R.
$20, Randy K.
$20, Steven M.
$20, Juan F. L. M.
$20, Jannik W.
$20, Jason W.
$20, David K.
$20, John S.
$20, Martin D.
$20, Hugh T.
$19.8, Simone F.
$15 (6th donation), Michael Krusch aka “MAD”
$15 (4th donation), P. S. B. aka “fixpcpaul“
$15, Sebastian P.
$15, Ben H.
$13.8, Philip E.
$13.2 (4th donation), Marcos Antonio S.
$13.2 (3rd donation), Jacques aka “germanix”
$13.2, Kris G.
$13.2, Alberto S.
$13.2, Jörg B.
$13.2, Rwhl W.
$13.2, Christian D.
$13.2, Johannes G.
$13.2, Anita P.
$13.2, Aron K.
$13.2, Thomas T.
$13.2, Christopher B.
$13.2, Nicolas A.
$11, aka “kalamarr”
$10 (5th donation), Jun Q.
$10 (5th donation), Henry W.
$10 (3rd donation), Kiril Sotirov
$10 (3rd donation), lupinehorror
$10 (3rd donation), Ian W. aka “Wiggy25”
$10 (2nd donation), Zoe Q.
$10 (2nd donation), Stuart M.
$10, Kasper E.
$10, Antonio B.
$10, Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$10, Hannes G.
$10, John C. Gage aka “Linux411“
$10, Sharif A.
$10, Evan B.
$10, Andras Porga aka “GodmaNZ”
$10, Timothy C.
$10, Matthew M.
$9.7, Robert S.
$9 (3rd donation), Philip A.
$8 (3rd donation), Philip A.
$7 (3rd donation), Philip A.
$7 (3rd donation), lupinehorror
$6.6 (4th donation), Kevin D.
$6.6 (3rd donation), Andreas G.
$6.6, Mikko H.
$6.6, Giuseppino M.
$6.6, TravelProtect GmbH
$6.6, Jindřich Z. aka “cechi”
$6.44 (2nd donation), Marcus W. aka “Cranium Slows”
$6 (2nd donation), Terry G.
$6, Adam W.
$5 (8th donation), Inga Muste aka “TokRa“
$5 (2nd donation), Manoj Devdas Prabhu
$5 (2nd donation), Aaron C.
$5 (2nd donation), Rob Brown aka “Brownie“
$5 (2nd donation), Eugene L.
$5, Levi H.
$5, Iván R. F. M.
$5, Luis B. aka “Wicho“
$5, Anatol P.
$5, Faisal O. A.
$5, TK aka “Glory to the Son of God/Jesus”
$5, Michael F.
$4, Jamie F.
$3.96 (6th donation), Ulf S. aka “MonteDrago”
$3.96, Florian C.
$3.18 (3rd donation), Bojan Kopanja
$3, Natalya Belenko aka “tlm”
$3, Jake Th.
$2.74 (3rd donation), Bojan Kopanja
$1.74, Graham L.
$1 (11th donation), Cool Computer Tricks
$1 (6th donation), Romeo C. D. aka “Yupy“
$1 (2nd donation), Rusli P. Tandiabang
$1 (2nd donation), Kim H. aka “grhdtj“
$1 (2nd donation),
$1, Vincent P.
$1, Sanz G. L.
$1, Easter Island Hotels
$1, Armia aka “Evan Andika“
$1, Charlesley L.
$0.65, Andrzej C.
$0.36 (9th donation), Inga Muste aka “TokRa“
$231, R1Soft
$106, SEOMoves
$75, John Ritchie aka “Aging Technogeek”
$50, Andreas Landgraf
$25, Blayne B.
$21, Jay P.
$20, Az Van aka “newW2”
$20, CEPTOR Datentechnik oHG
$20, David S.
$20, Kristian S.
$20, Scott P.
$14, Investment Blog
$12, Tim W.
$11, Promotional Mouse Mats
$11, Roman P.
$10, Advermedia
$10, Andre H.
$10, Angel M. D.
$10, Anthony Gallon
$10, Barry’s Tickets
$10, Dan Jackson
$10, Jack H.
$10, Jeff R.
$10, Jeramy R.
$10, JimQ
$10, Jonathan K.
$10, Mugs Promotional
$10, Promotional Gifts
$10, Real Estate Centers
$10, Rob S.
$10, Roland F. Arms
$10, Website Auditor
$10, William C. Mitchell aka “onewing”
$9, Promotional Items
$8, Attila Vecsei
$8, Printed Clothing
$7, Jesse Burroughs aka “JpBя”
$7, Martin S.
$7, Personalised Clothing
$7, Promotional Mug
$6, Clothing Promotional
$6, deep64blue
$6, Martin Senftleben aka “DrMartinus“
$5, Dimitris Ch.
$5, Don Brubaker
$5, Fandangio
$5, Flemming D. Joergensen aka “DcyMatrix“
$5, Gregory T.
$5, Jeffrey S.
$5, Joe H. aka “JoeFootball”
$5, Lee K.
$5, Matthew N.
$5, Matthew Y.
$5, Printed Clothing
$5, Printed Mug
$5, Private Jets Charter
$5, Promotional Gifts
$5, Scott St.
$5, Scott Y.
$5, Sohier C.
$5, Steve Burdine aka “Highfructose327“
$5, Thomas Howson
$5, Thomas Nehrlich
$5, Torstein Sornes aka “todda7”
$5, Turin
$4, Baby shower favors
$4, Chile travel
$4, Ian E. aka “EchoLynx “
$4, Shannon D.
$3, CreationsByRichie – Animated Banners & Graphical Designs
$3, Josef K.
$3, Sebastian Posch
$3, Stephen Aghaulor
$2.1, Product Reviews Community
$2, Caravan Awnings
$2, Douglas T.
$2, Florian A.
$2, Joerg Dreckmann
$2, Manuel V.
$2, SPAC Information and News
$2, VeganQuébec
$1.5, Daniel A.
$1.5, Farbyte
$1.25, Justin Peterson
$1.2, Tax-Rebate
$1, Недвижимость на Кипре
$1, недвижимость в греции
$1, Cyprus Resale
$1, Cyprus Weather
$1, Ethoseo Internet Marketing Bellingham, WA
$1, Frank S.
$1, Greg Flynn
$1, Hard Drive Reviews
$1, iPad News
$1, Javier Ruiz
$1, John Michael L.
$1, Online Pokerraum aka “donegon“
$1, Poker Fieber
$1, Pokerschule
$1, Property In Greece
$1, redfoa
$1, redfoa
$1, Renelou Esperanzate
$1, Seth Forrestier
$0.5, Awesome Link Directory
$0.5, Foobnix – Simple and Powerful music player for Linux
$0.5, Хакасия real-time
Money raised in March:
* Donations: $3017.03 (142 donors)
* Sponsors: $1119.71 (113 sponsors)
User Stats:
Repartition of Linux Mint users across releases:
- Linux Mint 10 Julia: 50.4%
- Linux Mint 9 Isadora LTS: 24.37%
- Linux Mint 7 Gloria: 7.85%
- LMDE: 7.29%
- Linux Mint 8 Helena: 5.64%
- Linux Mint 4.0 Daryna: 2.30%
- Linux Mint 6 Felicia: 1.36%
- Linux Mint 5 Elyssa LTS: 0.79%
Web Stats:
- Visits: 2,891,507
- Unique views: 3,645,403
- Pageviews: 4,646,967
- Page impressions: 2,595,738
- Search queries: 8,168,539
- Forum users: 46,070
- Forum posts: 387,497
- Distrowatch (popularity ranking): 1816 (2nd)
- Distrowatch (traffic share): 3.7% (2nd)
- Alexa (website ranking): 14,950th
- New logos were acquired
- A community poll was organised
- Linux Mint 10 LXDE was released
- Linux Mint Xfce RC (201104) was released
- mintCast released five podcast episodes, including interviews with Boo and Justin: #54, #55, #56, #57 and #58
- March started with some very bad news. Due to personal circumstances Ikey had to focus on his personal life and could no longer work on Linux Mint.
- The mintCast project was extremely successful and released 5 quality episodes, interviewing 2 team members.
- The LXDE edition was released as stable and the Xfce edition switched to Debian.
- From a financial point of view, none of the figures were bad, but none were particular high either. The overall daily income went down by 6%.
- Improvements were made to the Update Manager and the Desktop Settings tool for the upcoming Mint 11 and LMDE.
- In April, improvements should be made to the Software Manager and time will be spent in testing our desktop, including new packages such as LibreOffice and Firefox 4 and making sure upstream changes related to Gnome and Unity don’t impact it in any negative way.