Hello, and welcome to the 32nd Windows Virtual Desktop weekly blog post!!
First we will give you a community stats update:
- Slack channel: 729 members and we´re still growing! You can find us here: https://communityinviter.com/apps/wvdcommunity/join
- Podcast: 1661 downloads
- Twitter Followers: 1352 Followers
- Event page views: Incredible 4257 page views!!
WVD Tech Fest 2021
- 1 WVD Tech Fest 2021
- 2 UK WVD User Group Presentation
- 3 Dutch Windows Virtual Desktop User Group
- 4 Desktops in the Cloud – Episode 7: User experience and clients updates with Sandeep Patnaik, WVD PM lead
- 5 How to Automatically Migrate From WVD Classic (non-ARM) to WVD ARM
- 6 Enable WVD Email feed discovery
- 7 Windows Virtual Desktop with GPU -Real World Performance
- 8 NetApp Files & NetApp VDS Overview
- 9 Automated Install using ARM Templates
- 10 Learning Terraform > Remote State
- 11 Manage WVD with Citrix Cloud – Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service
- 12 WVD Spring Release ARM Template Token Refresh Script
- 13 ConfigMgr Windows 10 Multi-Session Support for WVD | SCCM
- 14 New WVD Gateways
- 15 Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Enable Endpoint Protection for virtual desktops
- 16 Migrate from McAffee to Windows Defender for Endpoint (also for WVD)
- 17 In the search for the WVD Masters 2020 (Ingram Micro event series)
- 18 Improvements for WVD Starter for WVD
Patrick Kohler and Simon Binder have announced their WVD Tech Fest event which will be happening on the 25th February 2021. They have an awesome line up of speakers so this is definitely one to look forward to! You can sign up and register here – https://wvdtechfest.com/

UK WVD User Group Presentation
On the 5th November the UK WVD User Group held their monthly meeting. It was a great meeting with presentations from Bas van Kaam around Nerdio, & Esther Barthel around Automation & DevOps for WVD. You can catch a recording of the session below.
Dutch Windows Virtual Desktop User Group
On the 9th November, the Dutch WVD User Group will be holding their next meeting. They have a great session line up with Robin Hobo & Gertjan Jongeneel telling you all about WVD. You can register here https://www.meetup.com/Dutch-Windows-Virtual-Desktop-User-Group/events/274158005/

Desktops in the Cloud – Episode 7: User experience and clients updates with Sandeep Patnaik, WVD PM lead
The guys over at Desktops in the Cloud released their latest episode, and they had some exclusive announcements from Sandeep Patnaik. I won’t share to much but offloading video with multimedia redirection is coming!! This was a very nice feature in Citrix and its awesome that its coming to WVD. You can hear more and see a demo of it here:
How to Automatically Migrate From WVD Classic (non-ARM) to WVD ARM
Bas van Kaam has created a blog post which shows how to migrate from WVD Classic over to the WVD ARM Deployment using Nerdio. You can check out the article here – https://getnerdio.com/academy-enterprise/how-to-automatically-migrate-from-wvd-classic-non-arm-to-wvd-arm/

Enable WVD Email feed discovery
Mr T-Bone has created a post in which he discusses email feed discovery. Email feed discovery is a way for users to subscribe to any apps or desktops which they have access to. You can read more on the setup process in Mr T-Bone’s blog here http://www.tbone.se/2020/11/06/enable-wvd-email-feed-discovery/

Windows Virtual Desktop with GPU -Real World Performance
Mr T-Bone has also released another blog post in which he gives some real world bench marks when comparing GPU enabled VMs using WVD. You can read this post and his findings here – http://tbone.se/2020/11/03/windows-virtual-desktop-with-gpu-real-world-performance/

NetApp Files & NetApp VDS Overview
John Lunn aka Johnny Chipz gave a really good overview of the NetApp offerings related to WVD, and there are many!! If you haven’t looked into Azure Files or NetApp Files before, you really should do You can read more on Johnny’s post here – https://jonnychipz.com/2020/11/05/day61-100-100daysofcloud-jonnychipz-windows-virtual-desktop-netapp-files-and-more/

Automated Install using ARM Templates
Paul Tozer has shared his scripts which he uses to deploy VMs, M365 Apps, Teams, OneDrive and FSLogix automatically via ARM Templates. These are extremely useful for automation so you can get them here – https://github.com/PaulTozer/AzureRMTemplates/tree/master/WVD/SessionHostImageCreator

Learning Terraform > Remote State
Last week Dean Lawrence wrote a blog post on getting started with Terraform. This week he has shared the 2nd post in his series in which he discusses Terraform Remote State. You can read his post here – https://virtuallyflatfeet.wordpress.com/2020/11/03/learning-terraform-remote-state/

Manage WVD with Citrix Cloud – Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service
Thomas Preischl has shared a great post in which he goes into detail on how to use Windows Virtual Desktop in a Citrix Cloud environment. If you are wondering how you can leverage using Windows 10 Multi-Session using Citrix Cloud then this a great step by step guide. You can read more here – https://www.thomaspreischl.de/wvd-virtual-apps-destkops/

WVD Spring Release ARM Template Token Refresh Script
Niels Kok has released yet another blog post (he is on a roll!). This time he discusses updating the token refresh via ARM Template which is incredibly useful. Normally this is done manually when you deploy a VM, Niels shows you how to do this via a ARM Template. You can read his post here – https://www.nielskok.tech/windows-virtual-desktop/wvd-springrelease-armtemplate-token-refresh-script/

ConfigMgr Windows 10 Multi-Session Support for WVD | SCCM
Anoop C Nair has released a blogpost in which he discusses Configuration Manager support for Windows 10 Multi-Session. In the post he explains how to enable the support and set the user policy. You can read the post here – https://www.anoopcnair.com/configmgr-windows-10-multi-session-support-for-wvd-sccm/

New WVD Gateways
Microsoft have released additional WVD Gateways in Canada and Switzerland. So if you have users in those regions they should now be getting a much nicer experience!

Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Enable Endpoint Protection for virtual desktops
John Barbare of Microsoft released a great article about configuring and enabling Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM). He guides you from the login till the final onboarding.
Read the full article here (video is also present): https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/core-infrastructure-and-security/microsoft-endpoint-manager-enable-endpoint-protection/ba-p/1801197

Migrate from McAffee to Windows Defender for Endpoint (also for WVD)
In this guide, you will learn how to migrate from your McAffee AV solution to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. It guides you from the preparation phase to the onboarding in detailed steps!
Check out this great guide if you consider onboarding your Session Hosts to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/mcafee-to-microsoft-defender-prepare

In the search for the WVD Masters 2020 (Ingram Micro event series)
Do you want to get trained on WVD with hands-on practice? This is your chance! Roshan Yalaburgi from Ingram Micro is in search of the WVD Masters 2020 and offers a bunch of sessions to increase your knowledge from a Padavan to the next WVD Jedi.
If you’re interested, check this out and register for the appointments: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?&u=e7b9bf6fefc7f30ec0fad7629&id=e5acd77b46

Improvements for WVD Starter for WVD
Marcel Meurer, creator of the famous WVD Admin tool, is working on an update for the WVD starter tool. It lists now tagged VMs in Azure for a user and allows users to start and stop this VM. Access via launch.rdp. It’s for administrative work only (licensing) and allows multiple VMs per user.
If you want to learn more about this tool, check out the GitHub repo: https://github.com/MarcelMeurer/Azure-Starter-for-WVD

The post WVD Weekly Blog post 1st November – 8th November 2020 appeared first on WVD Community.